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Spanish English Dictionary



Phrases with viajar found: 238  

Spanish-English dictionary
   Yo no viajo a ninguna parte.
  I don't travel anywhere.

Spanish-English dictionary
   Yo ya no quiero viajar.
  I don't want to travel anymore.

Spanish-English dictionary
   Yo me enfermo mucho cuando viajo.
  I get sick a lot when I travel.

Spanish-English dictionary
   Yo había cocinado la comida para el viaje.
  I had cooked the food for the trip.

Spanish-English dictionary
   Yo tengo un boleto para viajar.
  I have a ticket to travel.

Spanish-English dictionary
   He soñado que viajábamos a Italia.
  I have dreamt that we were traveling to Italy.

Spanish-English dictionary
   Tengo que viajar mañana.
  I have to travel tomorrow.

Spanish-English dictionary
   Yo he viajado por muchos países y no es culpa mía que yo sepa tanto sobre estos.
  I have traveled to many countries and it is not my fault that I know so much about them.

Spanish-English dictionary
   Yo oí que mis papás se van de viaje.
  I heard that my parents will go on a trip.

Spanish-English dictionary
   agencia de viajes
  travel agency (travel)

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