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English Russian Common Words Pro Dictionary and Phrasebook


bunt n [bʌnt]

1. пузо (паруса)
2. мотня (невода)
3. удар (головой, рогами)
4. пинок, толчок
5. мокрая головня

bunt v

1. ударять, ударить
2. пихать, пихнуть
3. бодать, боднуть

We couldn't find phrases with bunt in English to Russian Common Words Pro dictionary.
Phrases with bunt has been found in the following dictionaries:

English-Russian Polytechnic

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English dictionaries
Word bunt has been found in the following dictionaries:

English-Russian Common Words Pro
English-Russian Technical
English-Russian Food Industry
Phrases with bunt found in the following dictionaries:

English-Russian Polytechnic