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English Russian Common Words Pro Dictionary and Phrasebook


courageous adj [kǝ'reidʒǝs]

смелый, отважный, храбрый

Phrases with courageous found: 22  

English-Russian Common Words Pro dictionary
   have the courage
  хватать решимости
  иметь мужество

English-Russian Common Words Pro dictionary
   abound in courage
  быть очень смелым

English-Russian Common Words Pro dictionary
   Dutch courage
  смелость во хмелю

English-Russian Common Words Pro dictionary
   have the courage of one's convictions (opinions)
  иметь мужество поступать согласно своим убеждениям

English-Russian Common Words Pro dictionary
   he had not sufficient courage for it
  на это у него не хватило храбрости

English-Russian Common Words Pro dictionary
   his courage deserted him
  смелость покинула его

English-Russian Common Words Pro dictionary
   his courage failed him
  мужество покинуло его

English-Russian Common Words Pro dictionary
   his courage was at the lowest ebb
  он совсем струсил

English-Russian Common Words Pro dictionary
   inflexible courage
  несгибаемое мужество

English-Russian Common Words Pro dictionary
   courageous individuals
  храбрые люди
  мужественные люди

  1  2  3

How to Translate

English dictionaries
Word courageous has been found in the following dictionaries:

English-Russian Common Words
English-Russian Common Words Pro
Phrases with courageous found in the following dictionaries:

English-Russian Military