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have n

мошенничество, обман

Phrases with  haves'

apples have gone up
яблоки подорожали

don't know the trick of it, have not got the trick of it
не знаю, как это делается; не знаю секрета

drink as you have brewed
сам заварил кашу, сам и расхлебывай; что посеешь, то и пожнешь

go and have a lie down
пойди полежи

have a crush on somebody
сильно увлечься кем-либо

have a dig at somebody
зло посмеяться над кем-либо

have a down
иметь зуб

have a fancy for something
любить что-либо; увлекаться чем-либо

have a good knowledge of English
хорошо знать английский язык

have a maggot in one's brain (head)
иметь причуды

have an affair with somebody
быть в любовной связи с кем-либо

have an eye for something
обладать наблюдательностью

have an eye on somebody
следить за кем-либо

have dealings with somebody
вести дела; иметь торговые связи с кем-либо

have designs on somebody
вынашивать коварные замыслы против кого-либо

have it your (own) way
поступай, как знаешь; твое дело

have no manner of right
не иметь никакого права

have no manners
не уметь себя вести

have something on one's conscience
чувствовать себя виноватым в чем-либо

have something on the brain
неотступно думать о чем-либо

have the advantage of somebody
иметь преимущество перед кем-либо

have the courage of one's convictions (opinions)
иметь мужество поступать согласно своим убеждениям

have the decency to confess
имейте совесть признаться

have the makings of an actor
у него задатки актера

have the pip
чувствовать себя плохо, быть не в своей тарелке

have you any money?
есть ли у вас деньги?

have you anything farther to say
у вас есть еще что сказать

have you anything to declare?
предъявите вещи, подлежащие обложению пошлиной

have you hurt yourself?
вы ушиблись?

have you prepared it for yourself?
вы это для себя приготовили?

he must have confused me with somebody else
он должно быть принял меня за другого

he will have it that...
-он утверждает, что...

he will have no books but such as I'll let him have
он не получит никаких книг, кроме тех, которые я разрешу ему взять

he would have fallen but for me
он упал бы, если бы не я

he would have fallen but that I caught him
он упал бы, если бы я его не подхватил

his cheeks have filled out
его лицо пополнело

I am going to have a dig at Spanish
я собираюсь взяться за испанский язык

I am through with this book, will you let me have another one?
я кончил эту книгу, не дадите ли вы мне другую?

I have a good flat
у меня хорошая квартира

I have a great (good) mind to do it
у меня большое желание это сделать

I have a headache
у меня болит голова

I have busied him for the whole day
я дал ему работу на целый день

I have done, I had done
я сделал

I have done with my work
я кончил свою работу

I have got a date
у меня свидание

I have got no money about me
у меня при себе нет денег

I have had enough of him
он мне надоел

I have heard of your doings
слышал я о твоих подвигах (ирон.)

I have hurt myself
я ушибся

I have little influence with him
я для него не авторитет

I have my doubts about him
у меня на его счет есть сомнения

I have no complaint to make
мне не на что жаловаться

I have no notion of resigning
я не собираюсь подавать в отставку

I have no time
у меня нет времени

I have not seen you for ages
я не видел вас целую вечность

I have no use for it
мне это совершенно не нужно; я этого не выношу

I have to attend a meeting
мне надо быть на собрании

I have to go to the dentist
мне необходимо пойти к зубному врачу

I have weighty, nay, unanswerable reasons
у меня есть веские, более того, бесспорные основания

I have your idea
я понял вашу мысль

I'll have to collect from you
вам придется расплатиться со мной

I'm sorry I can't come today.
Oh! but you have promised to.

I shall have done
я сделаю

I won't have any language here
прошу не выражаться

I won't have it
я не потерплю этого

I won't have you say such things
я вам не позволю говорить такие вещи

I would rather have his room than his company
я предпочел бы, чтобы он ушел

let me have a squint at it
дайте мне взглянуть

let's have a go at it
давайте попробуем

let us have done with it
оставим это, покончим с этим

many new houses have sprung in this district
в этом районе появилось много новых домов

operator, I have been cut off
послушайте, станция, нас разъединили

please, have your brother bring my books
пусть твой брат принесет мои книги

put (stretch, have) one's knees (feet) under somebody's mahogany
обедать у кого-либо; пользоваться чьим-либо гостеприимством; жить на чей-либо счет

the clock will have to be fixed
часы нужно починить

the clouds have gone
тучи рассеялись

the haves and the have-nots
имущие и неимущие

there have been no letters from him as yet
от него еще пока нет писем

these stockings are seconds and have some slight defects
эти чулки второго сорта и имеют незначительные дефекты

these things have seen better days
эти вещи поизносились, поистрепались

this clause of the bill will have to go
эта статья законопроекта должна быть отменена

thou nor I have made the world
ни ты, ни я не создали мира

to be in need of, to feel the need of, to have need of
нуждаться в чем-либо

to have a bone to pick with somebody
иметь счеты с кем-либо

to have a cinch on somebody
держать кого-либо в узде

to have a distaste for something
испытывать отвращение к чему-либо

to have a go (at)
попытаться, рискнуть

to have a hat (an overcoat) on
быть в шляпе (в пальто)

to have an evening out
провести вечер вне дома (в кино, ресторане и т. п.)

to have a pleasant time
приятно провести время

to have a smoke

to have a theory that...
полагать, что...

to have a try

to have a try at something
попытаться сделать что-либо

to have a view of something, to take a view of something
осмотреть что-либо

to have a walk

to have breakfast

to have buried one's relatives
потерять, похоронить близких

to have cognizance of something
знать о чем-либо

to have compassion on (upon) somebody
жалеть кого-либо

to have dinner

to have done

to have enow time
располагать достаточным запасом времени

to have good reason to believe
иметь все основания считать

to have mercy

to have no commerce with somebody
не иметь ничего общего с кем-либо

to have no notion of something
не иметь ни малейшего представления о чем-либо

to have nothing in common with somebody
не иметь ничего общего с кем-либо

to have pity

to have rats in the attic
винтиков не хватает (жарг.)

to have somebody over the barrel
застать кого-либо врасплох

to have tea
пить чай

to have the bulge on somebody
иметь преимущество перед кем-либо

to have the cheek to say something
иметь наглость сказать что-либо

to have the nerve to do something
иметь наглость сделать что-либо

to have (to hold, to take) somebody at a (the) vantage
иметь преимущество перед кем-либо

we have allowed for twenty people
мы были готовы встретить (принять) двадцать человек

we have enough coal for the winter
у нас достаточно угля на зиму, нам хватит угля на зиму

we have not seen each other for ages
мы давно не виделись

we'll have them down for a few days
они будут гостить у нас несколько дней

what would you have me to do?
что вы хотите, чтобы я сделал?

where have you sprung from?
откуда вы появились?

you have been had
вас обманули

you have made your bed and you must lie on it
что посеешь, то и пожнешь

you have no right to go there, to start with
нужно начать с того, что вы не имеете права ходить туда

you ought to have written to her
тебе следовало написать ей (а ты этого не сделал)

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How to Translate
apples have gone up

don't know the trick of it, have not got the trick of it

drink as you have brewed

go and have a lie down

have a crush on somebody

have a dig at somebody

have a down

have a fancy for something

have a good knowledge of English

have a maggot in one's brain (head)

have an affair with somebody

have an eye for something

have an eye on somebody

have dealings with somebody

have designs on somebody

have it your (own) way

have no manner of right

have no manners

have something on one's conscience

have something on the brain

have the advantage of somebody

have the courage of one's convictions (opinions)

have the decency to confess

have the makings of an actor

have the pip

have you any money?

have you anything farther to say

have you anything to declare?

have you hurt yourself?

have you prepared it for yourself?

he must have confused me with somebody else

he will have it that...

he will have no books but such as I'll let him have

he would have fallen but for me

he would have fallen but that I caught him

his cheeks have filled out

I am going to have a dig at Spanish

I am through with this book, will you let me have another one?

I have a good flat

I have a great (good) mind to do it

I have a headache

I have busied him for the whole day

I have done, I had done

I have done with my work

I have got a date

I have got no money about me

I have had enough of him

I have heard of your doings

I have hurt myself

I have little influence with him

I have my doubts about him

I have no complaint to make

I have no notion of resigning

I have no time

I have not seen you for ages

I have no use for it

I have to attend a meeting

I have to go to the dentist

I have weighty, nay, unanswerable reasons

I have your idea

I'll have to collect from you

I'm sorry I can't come today. - Oh! but you have promised to.

I shall have done

I won't have any language here

I won't have it

I won't have you say such things

I would rather have his room than his company

let me have a squint at it

let's have a go at it

let us have done with it

many new houses have sprung in this district

operator, I have been cut off

please, have your brother bring my books

put (stretch, have) one's knees (feet) under somebody's mahogany

the clock will have to be fixed

the clouds have gone

the haves and the have-nots

there have been no letters from him as yet

these stockings are seconds and have some slight defects

these things have seen better days

this clause of the bill will have to go

thou nor I have made the world

to be in need of, to feel the need of, to have need of

to have a bone to pick with somebody

to have a cinch on somebody

to have a distaste for something

to have a go (at)

to have a hat (an overcoat) on

to have an evening out

to have a pleasant time

to have a smoke

to have a theory that...

to have a try

to have a try at something

to have a view of something, to take a view of something

to have a walk

to have breakfast

to have buried one's relatives

to have cognizance of something

to have compassion on (upon) somebody

to have dinner

to have done

to have enow time

to have good reason to believe

to have mercy

to have no commerce with somebody

to have no notion of something

to have nothing in common with somebody

to have pity

to have rats in the attic

to have somebody over the barrel

to have tea

to have the bulge on somebody

to have the cheek to say something

to have the nerve to do something

to have (to hold, to take) somebody at a (the) vantage

we have allowed for twenty people

we have enough coal for the winter

we have not seen each other for ages

we'll have them down for a few days

what would you have me to do?

where have you sprung from?

you have been had

you have made your bed and you must lie on it

you have no right to go there, to start with

you ought to have written to her