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English Russian Common Words Pro Dictionary and Phrasebook


See also: A's, As's, b's, c's, d's, e's, F's, g's, h's, i's, j's, K's, l's, m's, n's, o's, P's, Q's, r's, 's, S', si's, sis, SO's, SOS,   s's, ss, ss', t's, u's, v's, x's, Y's, Z's

s [s] Сокращенная форма от is, has, us или does; произносится как [z] после гласных и звонких согласных, [s] - после глухих согласных - he's = he is или he has; there's = there is; let's = let us; what's the matter? = what is the matter?; what's he say about it? = what does he say about it?

S n [es]

девятнадцатая буква английского алфавита (pl Ss, S's ['esiz])

Phrases with  S's

in the latitude of 40 S.
на 40 градусе южной широты

my aunt! my eye(s)!
восклицания, выражающие удивление

the river makes a great S
река прихотливо извивается

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