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English Portuguese Dictionary



Phrases with through found: 46  

English-Portuguese dictionary
   carry through
  apoiar, ajudar

English-Portuguese dictionary
   clear through customs
  despachar, liberar

English-Portuguese dictionary
   come through
  ter êxito, ter sucesso, funcionar, resultar
  triunfar, conseguir, sair-se bem

English-Portuguese dictionary
   drag through the mud
  difamar, caluniar, denegrir, sujar a imagem de, falar mal de, deshonrar

English-Portuguese dictionary
   drive through
  atravessar, dirigir através de, conduzir de passagem por

English-Portuguese dictionary
   edge one's way through
  abrir caminho para, penetrar por

English-Portuguese dictionary
   fall through
  fracassar, falhar, acabar em fiasco
  não conseguir

English-Portuguese dictionary
   flick through
  folhear, percorrer as folhas de, passar as folhas de

English-Portuguese dictionary
   force through
  impor, fazer valer

English-Portuguese dictionary
   buy through an installment plan
  comprar a crédito

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