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English Spanish Dictionary



Phrases with are found: 1135  

English-Spanish dictionary
   I think that you are going to be happy if you win the lottery.
  Yo creo que tú te vas a poner contento si ganas la lotería.

English-Spanish dictionary
   I think that you are going to like the gift.
  Yo creo que a ti te va a gustar el regalo.

English-Spanish dictionary
   I think the boys are at the library because they need to study.
  Yo creo que los muchachos están en la biblioteca porque ellos necesitan estudiar.

English-Spanish dictionary
   I understand that you are upset sir.
  Yo comprendo que usted esté molesto señor.

English-Spanish dictionary
   I want you to tell me what time you all are going to go to the beach.
  Quiero que me digas a qué hora van a ir ustedes a la playa.

English-Spanish dictionary
   I want you to tell the boys that we are going to go to the beach at three o'clock.
  Quiero que les digas a los muchachos que vamos a ir a la playa a las tres.

English-Spanish dictionary
   I want you to tell them that we are going to go at three o'clock.
  Quiero que les digas que vamos a ir a las tres.

English-Spanish dictionary
   I will find out if there are places available.
  Voy a averiguar si todavía hay lugar.

English-Spanish dictionary
   I wonder how we have become what we are.
  Cómo hemos llegado a ser lo que somos.

English-Spanish dictionary
   a fool and his money are soon parted
  a los tontos no les dura el dinero

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