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English Spanish Dictionary



Phrases with are found: 1135  

English-Spanish dictionary
   Susan says that she doesn't know what time they are going to sell them.
  Susana dice que ella no sabe a qué hora los van a vender.

English-Spanish dictionary
   Susan says that the boys are bringing the suitcases.
  Susana dice que los muchachos traen las maletas.

English-Spanish dictionary
   Susan says that the boys are bringing the tickets.
  Susana dice que los muchachos traen los boletos.

English-Spanish dictionary
   Susan, are you going to deliver the tickets to me?
  Susana, ¿Me vas a entregar los boletos?

English-Spanish dictionary
   Susan, are you writing the lesson?
  Susana, ¿Escribes la lección?

English-Spanish dictionary
   Susan, what are you going to eat?
  Susana, ¿Qué vas a comer?

English-Spanish dictionary
   Tell me what time you all are going to go to the beach.
  Dime a qué hora van a ir ustedes a la playa.

English-Spanish dictionary
   Tell me why you are interested in this position.
  A ver, Pedro, cuéntame por qué estas interesado en este puesto de trabajo

English-Spanish dictionary
   that are admissible
  a que haya lugar

English-Spanish dictionary
   a fool and his money are soon parted
  a los tontos no les dura el dinero

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