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English Spanish Dictionary



Phrases with one' found: 499  

English-Spanish dictionary
   one or the other
  cualquiera de los dos (general)

English-Spanish dictionary
   that one
  ésa, aquélla, ése, aquél (demonstrative)

English-Spanish dictionary
   regain one's breath
  recuperarse, recobrar el aliento (breath)

English-Spanish dictionary
   abandon one's studies
  abandonar los estudios, dejar los estudios (schools - universities)

English-Spanish dictionary
   not meet one's expectations
  dejar mucho que desear, ser desilusionante, salir mal, salir peor de lo esperado (result)

English-Spanish dictionary
   stick one's nose in
  meterse con, interferir con, meter la nariz en (intervention)

English-Spanish dictionary
   make one's debut
  debutar, hacer la primera apariencia (cinema - theater)

English-Spanish dictionary
   extend one's hand to
  extender la mano a (general)

English-Spanish dictionary
   circumstances beyond one's control
  circunstancias fuera del alcance de uno, fuerza mayor (law)

English-Spanish dictionary
   as soon as one goes out the window, another comes in the door
  a rey muerto, rey puesto

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