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Portuguese English Dictionary



Phrases with presente found: 12  

Portuguese-English dictionary
   até à presente data
  as yet
  to date
  to this day
  until now
  up to now

Portuguese-English dictionary
   até o presente momento
  as yet
  just yet
  thus far
  up till now
  up until now

Portuguese-English dictionary
   embrulhar para presente
  gift wrap

Portuguese-English dictionary
   estar presente
  be present
  be present at

Portuguese-English dictionary
   no presente
  at present
  at the moment
  at this moment

Portuguese-English dictionary
   pelo presente

Portuguese-English dictionary
   pessoa presente
  person present

Portuguese-English dictionary
   presente do céu
  chance of a lifetime

Portuguese-English dictionary
   presente dos céus

Portuguese-English dictionary
   condicional presente

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