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Spanish English Dictionary



Phrases with El found: 4801  

Spanish-English dictionary
   lucha contra el fuego
  firefighting (fire)

Spanish-English dictionary
   malgastar el tiempo
  dawdle (place)
  hang around (place)
  loiter about (place)
  loiter around (place)
  loll (place)
  slouch about (place)
  slouch around (place)

Spanish-English dictionary
   manejar sobre el límite de velocidad
  drive too fast (traffic)
  speed (traffic)

Spanish-English dictionary
   mantener el equilibrio
  balance (state)

Spanish-English dictionary
   mantenerse en el asunto
  stay with the subject (subject)
  stick to the point (subject)

Spanish-English dictionary
   marcar el paso
  pace (speed)

Spanish-English dictionary
   matar el tiempo
  dawdle (time)
  diddle (time)
  diddle away (time)
  goof (time)
  goof off (time)
  loiter (time)
  waste time (time)

Spanish-English dictionary
   meterse el dedo en la nariz
  pick one's nose (nose)

Spanish-English dictionary
   mirar el porvenir
  look ahead (future)
  plan (future)

Spanish-English dictionary
   dar el pésame a
  condole with (funeral)

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