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Spanish English Dictionary



Phrases with acostumbrar found: 13  

Spanish-English dictionary
   acostumbrar a
  familiarize with (habit)
  make familiar with (habit)

Spanish-English dictionary
   no acostumbrado a
  not used to (general)
  unaccustomed to (general)
  unused to (general)

Spanish-English dictionary
   no haberse acostumbrado a una idea
  have not quite got used to the idea (emotional condition)

Spanish-English dictionary
   acostumbrarse a un trabajo
  get used to the work (job)
  learn the ropes of the trade (job)
  learn the tricks of the trade (job)

Spanish-English dictionary
   estar acostumbrado a
  be used to

Spanish-English dictionary
   Acostumbra a leer el periódico mientras come.
  He usually reads the newspaper while he eats.

Spanish-English dictionary
   Acostumbra a leer el periódico mientras come.
  He usually reads the paper while he eats.

Spanish-English dictionary
   Él estaba acostumbrado a levantarse temprano.
  He was used to getting up early.

Spanish-English dictionary
   No acostumbro a decir mentiras.
  I am not in the habit of telling lies.

Spanish-English dictionary
   No me puedo acostumbrar a eso.
  I can't get used to it.

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