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órdenes fp

adjustments (military)

orden m

1. arrangement (disposal)
2. bidding (command)

órdenes fp

briefing (military)

orden m

1. command (order)
2. disposal (disposition)
3. disposition (disposal)
4. instruction (military)

órdenes fp

1. instructions (measure)
2. last instructions (military)

orden m

1. order (state)
2. order (goods)
3. order (mathematics)
4. order (military)
5. order (command)
6. order (disposal)
7. orderliness (state)

órdenes fp

orders (measure)

orden m

1. sequence (mathematics)
2. warrant (police)

Phrases with  orden

a las órdenes de

alteración del orden público
disturbance of the peace

bajo las órdenes de

colocar en orden

en orden
in tip-top order
(general); shipshape (cleaning); tidy (room); straight (cleaning); in good order (general); neat (room)

en orden consecutivo
in serial order

orden del día
order of the day
(business company); agenda (business company); program (business company)

orden de puesta en libertad

orden para el arresto
arrest warrant

poner en orden
clear up
(cleaning); marshal (speech); order (cleaning); straighten up (cleaning); tidy up (cleaning)

por orden del gobierno
by superior order
(government); by order of the authorities (government)

por órdenes superiores
by superior order
(government); by order of the authorities (government)

situar en orden