Enter a word or a phrase to get dictionary's translation.
English-Spanish Dictionary contains over 70,000 words, common phrases, idiomatic expressions, and performs quick search using a morphological search engine.
English-Spanish Word search
- search for words in all their forms to display word translations including synonyms
- spelling suggestions for all forms
- if a searched entry is found, the dictionary display "See also" suggestions list
- if the exact word is not found, the dictionary offers "Did you mean" list of words
- get Phrases with searched words along with word translations
- if a searched word cannot be found, you can run machine translation to get words translated
- see the transcription for English words
- get the alphabetical list of words available in a dictionary
English-Spanish Phrase search
- translations of common phrases, idiomatic expressions, and sentences in all dictionaries of a selected language pair
- translations for exact phrases and similar phrases in fuzzy match
- if the exact phrase is found, its translation is displayed along with "Translation of words included in the phrase"
- if no phrases are found, run machine translation to get translation results
- get examples of words and phrases usage
- get word-by-word translation of phrases
English-Spanish Dictionary Tools
- Search History
- TTS Voice reads the text in English and Spanish languages
- Virtual Keyboard offers text input in many languages including English and Spanish keyboard layouts
- Special characters list
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