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English Russian Medical Dictionary and Phrasebook


tissue n


Phrases with  tissues

adenoid tissue
лимфоидная ткань

adenoma of pancreatic insular tissue
аденома островковой ткани поджелудочной железы

apparatus for suturing lung tissue
аппарат для ушивания легочной ткани

autogenous tissue

blunt dissection of tissue
разделение ткани тупым способом

blunt dissection of tissue by means of an instrument
разделение тканей тупым способом при помощи инструмента

bony tissue of the alveolus
костная ткань альвеолы

clinoid defect of the hard tooth tissue
клиновидный дефект твердых тканей зуба

complete excision of tissue
полное иссечение ткани

conjunctival fatty tissue
жировик конъюнктивы

cut off tissue
отсекать ткань

dental tissue
ткани зуба

destruction of soft tissue of the cheek
распад мягких тканей щеки

destruction of soft tissue of the gums
распад мягких тканей десен

destruction of soft tissue of the palate
распад мягких тканей неба

destruction of soft tissue of the tongue
распад мягких тканей языка

dissection of tissue
рассечение ткани

dissect tissue
рассекать ткани

divide tissue
пересекать ткани

division of tissue
пересечение тканей

dynamics of calcium metabolism and bone tissue
динамика метаболизма кальция и костная ткань

erasion of polluted tissues in an infected wound
удаление загрязненных тканей в инфицированной ран

erosion of the hard tooth tissue
эрозия твердых тканей зуба

excessive developed subcutaneous fatty tissue
чрезмерное развитие подкожножировой клетчатки

excise tissue
иссекать ткань

excision of tissue
иссечение ткани

exposure of tissue
выделение ткани

forceps for separation of tissues of a pylorus
щипцы для разделения тканей привратника желудка

free of muscle tissue
освобождение от мышечной ткани

grafting of tissue
пересадка ткани

granulation tissue
грануляционная ткань

hard tooth tissue
твердые ткани зуба

hyperplastic tissue
гиперплазия ткани

incompatibility of tissue
несовместимость тканей

indifferent tissue
недифференцированная ткань

inflammation of paracystic fatty tissue
воспаление околопузырной жировой клетчатки

inflammation of pararectal fatty tissue
воспаление клетчатки окружающей прямую кишку

instrument for suturing tissue
инструменты для соединения тканей

malrelated tissue
эктопированная ткань

mean tissue equivalent dose of radiation
средняя тканеэквивалентная доза излучения

partial excision of tissue
частичное иссечение ткани

parting of tissue
разделение ткани

pierce the tissue
прокалывать ткани иглой

post-absorptive tissue equilibrium phase
фаза равновесия в тканях после всасывания

progressive resorption of alveolar osseous tissue
прогрессирующая резорбция костной ткани зубных альвеол

resection of tissue
резекция ткани

resect tissue
рецезировать ткань

resolution of bone tissue
рассасывание костной ткани

separation of tissue
рассечение ткани

sharp dissection of tissue
разделение ткани острым путем

skin flap without subcutaneous fat tissue
лоскут кожи без подкожножировой клетчатки

soft tissue destruction
распад мягких тканей

strength and elastic properties of bone tissue
прочность и упругость костной ткани

suturing lung tissue
ушивание легочной ткани

suturing of tissue
соединение ткани

target tissue

tissue activity
активность ткани, метаболизм ткани

tissue compatibility
тканевая совместимость

tissue culture
культура тканей

tissue equivalent proportional counter
тканеэквивалентный счетчик

tissue extractor
биопсийная игла

tissue flap
лоскут ткани

tissue hemorrhage
внутритканевое кровотечение

tissue myiasis
тканевой миаз

tissue specimen
гистологический препарат

tissue structure observed with an electron microscope

tooth tissue
ткани зуба

transplantation of tissue
трансплантация ткани

underdevelopment of the tooth tissue
недоразвитие тканей зуба

Search History
How to Translate
adenoid tissue

adenoma of pancreatic insular tissue

apparatus for suturing lung tissue

autogenous tissue

blunt dissection of tissue

blunt dissection of tissue by means of an instrument

bony tissue of the alveolus

clinoid defect of the hard tooth tissue

complete excision of tissue

conjunctival fatty tissue

cut off tissue

dental tissue

destruction of soft tissue of the cheek

destruction of soft tissue of the gums

destruction of soft tissue of the palate

destruction of soft tissue of the tongue

dissection of tissue

dissect tissue

divide tissue

division of tissue

dynamics of calcium metabolism and bone tissue

erasion of polluted tissues in an infected wound

erosion of the hard tooth tissue

excessive developed subcutaneous fatty tissue

excise tissue

excision of tissue

exposure of tissue

forceps for separation of tissues of a pylorus

free of muscle tissue

grafting of tissue

granulation tissue

hard tooth tissue

hyperplastic tissue

incompatibility of tissue

indifferent tissue

inflammation of paracystic fatty tissue

inflammation of pararectal fatty tissue

instrument for suturing tissue

malrelated tissue

mean tissue equivalent dose of radiation

partial excision of tissue

parting of tissue

pierce the tissue

post-absorptive tissue equilibrium phase

progressive resorption of alveolar osseous tissue

resection of tissue

resect tissue

resolution of bone tissue

separation of tissue

sharp dissection of tissue

skin flap without subcutaneous fat tissue

soft tissue destruction

strength and elastic properties of bone tissue

suturing lung tissue

suturing of tissue

target tissue

tissue activity

tissue compatibility

tissue culture

tissue equivalent proportional counter

tissue extractor

tissue flap

tissue hemorrhage

tissue myiasis

tissue specimen

tissue structure observed with an electron microscope

tooth tissue

transplantation of tissue

underdevelopment of the tooth tissue