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English Russian Common Words Pro Dictionary and Phrasebook


See also:   Child, Childs, chill

child n [tʃaild]

1. ребенок (pl children)
2. дитя
3. чадо
4. сын
5. дочь
6. отпрыск, потомок
7. детище
8. порождение
9. ребенок, дитя, чадо (pl children)

Phrases with  child

a burnt child dreads the fire
пуганая ворона куста боится

accident bereft the father of his child
в результате несчастного случая отец лишился ребенка

a party was thrown to the children
детям устроили праздник

a quiver full of children
большая семья

attend to the education of one's children
следить за воспитанием своих детей

backward children
умственно отсталые дети, физически отсталые дети

bear children
рожать детей

be gone with the child
быть беременной

she is six months gone with the child
она на шестом месяце беременности

be great with child
быть беременной

be with child
быть беременной

big with child

burnt child dreads the fire
обжегшись на молоке , будешь дуть и на воду

child in arms

children born in wedlock
законнорожденные дети

children born out of wedlock
внебрачные дети

children in charge of a nurse
дети , порученные няне

children of five years and upward
дети пяти лет и старше

children of five years and upwards
дети пяти лет и старше

children of fourteen and over
дети четырнадцати лет и старше

children's community
детский дом, школа

child welfare
охрана младенчества, охрана детства

clothe one's children
обеспечивать детей одеждой

don't say it in front of the child
не говори об этом при детях

dot of a child
крошка, малютка

expose a child
оставить ребенка на произвол судьбы, подкинуть ребенка

fancy's child
порождение мечты

female child

flower children

for children
для детей

from a child
с детства

go walks with children
водить детей гулять

he has a marvellous touch in dealing with children
он прекрасно ладит с детьми

irregular child
внебрачный ребенок

irresponsible child
не отвечающий за свои поступки ребенок

irresponsive child
не отвечающий за свои поступки ребенок

keep children out of mischief
не давать детям шалить

keep knives away from children
прячьте ножи от детей

keep the children after school
задерживать учеников после занятий

lavish care upon one's children
окружать заботой своих детей, окружить заботой своих детей


mere child could do it
даже ребенок мог сделать это

milk is good for children
молоко детям полезно;

mite of a child
малютка, крошка

natural child
внебрачный ребенок

nurse in charge of children
няня , которой поручена забота о детях

own a child
признавать свое отцовство

preschool child
дошкольник, ребенок дошкольного возраста

problem child
трудный ребенок

put a child to bed
уложить ребенка спать

quick child
смышленый ребенок

quick with child
(первоначально with quick child)

remember a child on its birthday
послать подарок ребенку ко дню рождения

ride a child on one's foot
качать ребенка на ноге

she coaxed the child to take the medicine
она уговорила ребенка принять лекарство

she is six months gone with the child
она на шестом месяце беременности

she loves him next her own child
она любит его как своего ребенка, она любит его почти как своего ребенка

she sent the children into the garden
она отправила детей в сад погулять

she wound her arms round the child
она заключила ребенка в свои объятия

sobs shook the child's frame
рыдания сотрясали тело ребенка

spare the rod and spoil the child
пожалеешь розгу

stand godmother to the child
быть крестной матерью ребенка

still a child
убаюкивать ребенка, убаюкать ребенка

stuff a child with sweets
пичкать ребенка сладостями

sturdy child

take the knife from the child
отнимите нож у ребенка

that child is a real trial to me
этот ребенок

the burnt child dreads the fire
пуганая ворона куста боится

the child is under five
ребенку еще нет пяти лет

the children are well cared for
за детьми прекрасный уход

the children clustered round their teacher
дети окружили свою учительницу

the children flew to meet their mother
дети бросились навстречу к матери

the children flocked round their teacher
ребята окружили учителя

the child unborn
невинный младенец

their children
их дети

the law obliges parents to send their children to school
закон обязывает родителей посылать детей в школу

the paternity of the child is unknown
неизвестно , кто отец ребенка

there are ten of us counting the children
вместе с детьми нас десять (человек)

the sins of the fathers are visited upon the children
грехи отцов падают на головы детей

the spoilt child of fortune
баловень судьбы

they took insurance policy against their children's education
они застраховались, чтобы обеспечить своим детям образование

they took their children to the theatre
они пошли в театр со своими детьми

throw out the child along with the water
вместе с водой выплеснуть и ребенка

to keep vigil over a sick child
не отходить от постели больного ребенка

to lead a child by the hand
- вести ребенка за руку

transfer a child to another school
перевести ребенка в другую школу

troublesome child
беспокойный ребенок

tweak a child's ears
надрать ребенку уши

uncared-for children
заброшенные дети

upstanding children
здоровые дети

with child

would I were a child
хотел бы я снова стать ребенком

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How to Translate
a burnt child dreads the fire

accident bereft the father of his child

a party was thrown to the children

a quiver full of children

attend to the education of one's children

backward children

bear children

be gone with the child

be great with child

be with child

big with child

burnt child dreads the fire

child in arms

children born in wedlock

children born out of wedlock

children in charge of a nurse

children of five years and upward

children of five years and upwards

children of fourteen and over

children's community

child welfare

clothe one's children

don't say it in front of the child

dot of a child

expose a child

fancy's child

female child

flower children

for children

from a child

go walks with children

he has a marvellous touch in dealing with children

irregular child

irresponsible child

irresponsive child

keep children out of mischief

keep knives away from children

keep the children after school

lavish care upon one's children

man - child

mere child could do it

milk is good for children

mite of a child

natural child

nurse in charge of children

own a child

preschool child

problem child

put a child to bed

quick child

quick with child

remember a child on its birthday

ride a child on one's foot

she coaxed the child to take the medicine

she is six months gone with the child

she loves him next her own child

she sent the children into the garden

she wound her arms round the child

sobs shook the child's frame

spare the rod and spoil the child

stand godmother to the child

still a child

stuff a child with sweets

sturdy child

take the knife from the child

that child is a real trial to me

the burnt child dreads the fire

the child is under five

the children are well cared for

the children clustered round their teacher

the children flew to meet their mother

the children flocked round their teacher

the child unborn

their children

the law obliges parents to send their children to school

the paternity of the child is unknown

there are ten of us counting the children

the sins of the fathers are visited upon the children

the spoilt child of fortune

they took insurance policy against their children's education

they took their children to the theatre

throw out the child along with the water

to keep vigil over a sick child

to lead a child by the hand -

transfer a child to another school

troublesome child

tweak a child's ears

uncared-for children

upstanding children

with child

would I were a child