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English Russian Common Words Pro Dictionary and Phrasebook


See also: don's,   don't, don'ts, won't

don't v [dǝunt]

1. не
2. не надо, полно, перестань, перестаньте

Phrases with  don't

as if you didn't know
будто вы не знали; как будто вы не знали

don't be disheartened
не унывай, не унывайте

don't be hasty in generalization
не спешите с обобщениями

don't be in such a hurry
не спешите так

don't be longer than you can help
не оставайтесь дольше чем надо

don't be mad at me
не сердитесь на меня

don't be nasty
не злитесь

don't be nervous
не волнуйтесь

don't be ridiculous
не будь посмешищем, не будьте посмешищем, не делай глупостей, не делайте глупостей

don't be so cagey
отвечайте прямо, не виляйте

don't bother
не стоит беспокоиться

don't bracket me with him
не ставьте меня на одну доску с ним

don't care a curse

don't carry on so!
веди себя спокойно!, не злись так!

don't count your chickens before they are hatched
цыплят по осени считают

don't excite
не волнуйтесь, сохраняйте спокойствие

don't fail to come
обязательно приходите

don't fail to let me know
не забудьте дать мне знать

don't fidget
не ерзай

don't get flurried
не волнуйтесь

don't get into a state
не заводись

don't interfere in his affairs
не вмешивайтесь в его дела

don't interfere with me
не мешайте, не надоедайте мне

don't jump the camera
не трясите фотоаппарат

don't keep me waiting
не заставляйте меня ждать

don't know the trick of it, have not got the trick of it
не знаю, как это делается; не знаю секрета

don't leave the papers about
не разбрасывай бумаги!

don't let that worrit you
пусть это вас не тревожит

don't let that worry you
пусть это вас не тревожит

don't look a gift horse in the mouth
дареному коню в зубы не смотрят

don't mention it
не стоит, не стоит благодарности; ничего, пожалуйста
(в ответ на извинение)

don't mister me
не употребляйте слова мистер , обращаясь ко мне

don't put on any lip
ну , ну , без нахальства

don't put on your lip
ну , ну , без нахальства

Don't put yourself about
- не беспокойтесь.

don't rake up the past
не вороши прошлое

don't rub it in
не растравляйте рану

don't say it in front of the child
не говори об этом при детях

don't stray from the road
не сбейтесь с дороги

don't talk rot
не мелите вздора

don't tell a soul
никому не говори

don't tell me
не рассказывайте сказок

don't tell stories
не сочиняйте

don't trouble trouble until trouble troubles you
не буди лиха , пока лихо спит

don't you see
разве вы не понимаете

he didn't half swear
он отчаянно ругался

his face doesn't read off
его лицо ничего не выражает

I am sick and tired of your don'ts
мне надоели ваши запрещения

I didn't intend hurt you
я не хотел причинить вам боль

I didn't mean to offend you
я не хотел вас обидеть

I don't care
мне все равно

I don't care a brass farthing
мне безразлично, мне наплевать

I don't care a button
мне безразлично, мне наплевать

I don't care a chip
мне наплевать

I don't care a continental
мне наплевать

I don't care a damn
мне безразлично, мне наплевать

I don't care a feather
мне безразлично, мне наплевать

I don't care a fig
мне наплевать; мне безразлично

I don't care a groat
мне решительно все равно

I don't care a hang
мне наплевать

I don't care a pin
мне наплевать

I don't care a rap
мне на это наплевать

I don't care a red cent
мне наплевать, мне наплевать на

I don't care a red cent for
мне наплевать, мне наплевать на

I don't care a straw
мне безразлично, мне наплевать

I don't care a tinker's damn
мне совершенно наплевать

I don't care a whoop
мне безразлично, мне наплевать

I don't care if I do
я не прочь, ничего не имею против

I don't care to go
мне не хочется идти

I don't cotton to him at all
он мне совсем не по душе

I don't get you
я вас не понимаю;

I don't half like it
мне это совсем не нравится

I don't know but I will see
я не знаю , но я выясню

I don't know how to put it
- не знаю, как это выразить.

I don't know how to repay you for your kindness
Не знаю, как отблагодарить вас за вашу доброту

I don't know what she wants
я не знаю, что ей нужно

I don't know what you are pulling in now
- не знаю, сколько вы теперь зарабатываете

I don't know when she will come
не знаю , когда она придет

I don't know where I stand
не знаю , что дальше со мной будет

I don't know whether he is here
я не знаю , здесь ли он

I don't know which way we must take
я не знаю, по какой дороге нам надо ехать

I don't know why they are late
не знаю , почему они опаздывают

I don't like the look of him
мне не нравится его вид

I don't like the set of his coat
мне не нравится , как на нем сидит пальто

I don't like this bag, give me another one
мне не нравится эта сумка, дайте мне другую

I don't like to disturb you
- я не хочу вас беспокоить

I don't mind it a bit
нет, нисколько

I don't scotch my mind
я говорю прямо , без обиняков

I don't swim very well
я плаваю довольно скверно

I don't think
нечего сказать, ни дать ни взять
(прибавляется к ирон. утверждению)

I don't tie it up
это не вызывает у меня никаких ассоциаций , воспоминаний

I don't understand your drift
я не понимаю куда вы клоните

I don't want such things thrust on me
я не хочу , чтобы мне навязывали такие вещи

I don't want to go anywhere
мне никуда не хочется идти

it doesn't do to complain
что пользы в жалобах

it doesn't lie within my jurisdiction
это не входит в мою компетенцию

it doesn't matter
неважно, ничего; это не имеет значения

it doesn't matter sixpence
неважно, не обращайте внимания

it doesn't signify
это не имеет значения, это неважно

look to it that this doesn't happen again
смотрите чтобы это не повторилось

mathematics doesn't trouble me at all
математика дается мне легко

My tooth doesn't pain me now
- сейчас зуб у меня не болит.

the accounts don't balance
счета не сходятся

the play didn't take
пьеса не имела успеха

these colours don't match
эти цвета плохо сочетаются, эти цвета не гармонируют

watch that he doesn't fall
смотри , чтобы он не упал

we don't entertain
мы не устраиваем у себя приемов

wine doesn't agree with me
вино мне вредно

work hard but don't overdo it
работайте усердно , но не переутомляйтесь

you don't go about it in the right spirit
у вас к этому неправильный подход

you don't say so
да ну, не может быть

You don't seem to be well. Nor am I.
- Вы, по-видимому, нездоровы. И я тоже (нездоров).

you surely don't doubt me
вы, надеюсь, мне доверяете

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How to Translate
as if you didn't know

don't be disheartened

don't be hasty in generalization

don't be in such a hurry

don't be longer than you can help

don't be mad at me

don't be nasty

don't be nervous

don't be ridiculous

don't be so cagey

don't bother

don't bracket me with him

don't care a curse

don't carry on so!

don't count your chickens before they are hatched

don't excite

don't fail to come

don't fail to let me know

don't fidget

don't get flurried

don't get into a state

don't interfere in his affairs

don't interfere with me

don't jump the camera

don't keep me waiting

don't know the trick of it, have not got the trick of it

don't leave the papers about

don't let that worrit you

don't let that worry you

don't look a gift horse in the mouth

don't mention it

don't mister me

don't put on any lip

don't put on your lip

Don't put yourself about -

don't rake up the past

don't rub it in

don't say it in front of the child

don't stray from the road

don't talk rot

don't tell a soul

don't tell me

don't tell stories

don't trouble trouble until trouble troubles you

don't you see

he didn't half swear

his face doesn't read off

I am sick and tired of your don'ts

I didn't intend hurt you

I didn't mean to offend you

I don't care

I don't care a brass farthing

I don't care a button

I don't care a chip

I don't care a continental

I don't care a damn

I don't care a feather

I don't care a fig

I don't care a groat

I don't care a hang

I don't care a pin

I don't care a rap

I don't care a red cent

I don't care a red cent for

I don't care a straw

I don't care a tinker's damn

I don't care a whoop

I don't care if I do

I don't care to go

I don't cotton to him at all

I don't get you

I don't half like it

I don't know but I will see

I don't know how to put it -

I don't know how to repay you for your kindness

I don't know what she wants

I don't know what you are pulling in now -

I don't know when she will come

I don't know where I stand

I don't know whether he is here

I don't know which way we must take

I don't know why they are late

I don't like the look of him

I don't like the set of his coat

I don't like this bag, give me another one

I don't like to disturb you -

I don't mind it a bit

I don't scotch my mind

I don't swim very well

I don't think

I don't tie it up

I don't understand your drift

I don't want such things thrust on me

I don't want to go anywhere

it doesn't do to complain

it doesn't lie within my jurisdiction

it doesn't matter

it doesn't matter sixpence

it doesn't signify

look to it that this doesn't happen again

mathematics doesn't trouble me at all

My tooth doesn't pain me now -

the accounts don't balance

the play didn't take

these colours don't match

watch that he doesn't fall

we don't entertain

wine doesn't agree with me

work hard but don't overdo it

you don't go about it in the right spirit

you don't say so

You don't seem to be well. Nor am I. -

you surely don't doubt me