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English Spanish Dictionary Phrasebook Translator and Voice


See also: but, cat, cot, cub, cud, cue, cult, cup, cur, curt,   cut, cute, cuts, gut, hut, jut, nut, out, put, rut


1. cortar (general)
2. cortar (divide)
3. cortar (nail)
4. cortar (games - cards)
5. reducir (size)
6. cortar, recortar (hair)


1. incisivo, cortante, hiriente (criticism)
2. penetrante, cortante (weather)

Phrases with  cut

cold cuts

crew cut
corte militar

cut across
cortar a través

cut back
recortar, acortar, reducir

cut back on
reducir, recortar, limitar, restringir

cut down
reducir, recortar, limitar, restringir
(expenses); recortar, acortar, reducir (cut back); talar, cortar, derribar (fell)

cut flower
flor ornamental cortada

cut into pieces
desmenuzar, cortar en pedazos
(cut up)

cut off
cortar, talar
(axe); cortar (nail); separar de (accident); cortar, interrumpir (telephone)

cut off one's head
degollar, decapitar, guillotinar, descabezar

cut out
cesar, suspender, dejar de
(activity); recortar (general)

cut short
acortar, abreviar, restringir

cutting short
acortamiento, abreviación, reducción

cut up
desmenuzar, cortar en pedazos
(cut into pieces); machacar, maltratar (person)

cut up into lots
parcelar, lotear
(piece of land)

press cutting
recorte de periódico

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