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English Spanish Dictionary



Phrases with grandmother found: 69  

English-Spanish dictionary
   Did you visit your grandmother?
  ¿Visitaste a tu abuela?

English-Spanish dictionary
   He made a visit to his grandmother.
  Hizo una visita a su abuela.

English-Spanish dictionary
   Help your grandmother!
  ¡Ayuda a tu abuela!

English-Spanish dictionary
   I am determined to teach my grandmother how to use the internet.
  Me he empeñado en enseñarle a mi abuela a usar la internet.

English-Spanish dictionary
   I bring my grandmother to the hospital
  Yo traigo a mi abuela al hospital.

English-Spanish dictionary
   I don't remember my grandmother very well.
  No recuerdo a mi abuela muy bien.

English-Spanish dictionary
   I drive the grandmother to the restaurant.
  Yo conduzco a la abuela al restaurante.

English-Spanish dictionary
   I give the syrup to my grandmother
  Yo da el jarabe a mi abuela.

English-Spanish dictionary
   I guide my grandmother in her wheelchair.
  Yo guío a mi abuela en su silla de ruedas.

English-Spanish dictionary
   Alberto went to Spain to visit his grandmother.
  Alberto fue a España a visitar a su abuela.

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