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English Spanish Dictionary



Phrases with shelter found: 11  

English-Spanish dictionary
   sheltered workshop
  taller protegido

English-Spanish dictionary
   closed shelter deck ship
  buque de cubierta de abrigo cerrado

English-Spanish dictionary
   give shelter to
  amparar, dar asilo (charity)

English-Spanish dictionary
   shelter from
  proteger de (protection)

English-Spanish dictionary
   tax shelter
  protección fiscal (taxes)

English-Spanish dictionary
   air-raid shelter
  refugio antiaéreo (war)

English-Spanish dictionary
   open shelter-deck ship
  buque de cubierta de abrigo abierta

English-Spanish dictionary
   shelter deck ship
  buque de cubierta de abrigo

English-Spanish dictionary
   Have you continued helping at the shelter for teenagers?
  ¿Has continuado ayudando en el refugio para adolescentes?

English-Spanish dictionary
   take shelter
  buscar la protección

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