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Portuguese English Dictionary Phrasebook Translator and Voice


See also: conto, ponto, tanto, tinto, tonta,   tonto, torto


1. bats
2. batty
3. blockheaded
4. blunderer
5. bonkers
6. bungler
7. clumsy person
8. crazy
9. cuckoo
10. daft
11. dizzy
12. doltish
13. dotty
14. fool
15. fumbler
16. giddy
17. goofy
18. groggy
19. idiot
20. insane
21. light-headed
22. loco
23. loony
24. lunatic
25. mad
26. nut
27. nuts
28. punch-drunk
29. silly
30. thickheaded
31. thick-skulled
32. thick-witted
33. vertiginous
34. weak-minded
Phrases with tonto found: 1  

Portuguese-English dictionary
   o golpe na cabeça deixou-o tonto por um momento
  the hit on the head made him dizzy for a moment

How to Translate
We couldn't find translations of the word tonto in Portuguese to English dictionary.