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 virtual keyboard

Spanish English Dictionary Phrasebook Translator and Voice


See also: a, dar, fa, haber, IVA, ja, la, uva, V, valer, van, vas, ve, veas, ver, vi, vía, ya


advance (movement)


boy (interjection)


1. go (general)
2. go (travel)
3. go (movement)

Irán m

Iran (geography)


out (location)


phew (interjection)


proceed (movement)


whew (interjection)

Phrases with  VA

camino de ida
way there

circunstancias fuera del alcance de uno
force majeure
(law); circumstances beyond one's control (law)

colocar fuera de su sitio

como si fuera magia
as if by magic
(general); like magic (general)

de ida

dejar fuera
keep out
(crowd out); crowd out (keep out)

dejar fuera de combate
knock out

estar fuera del alcance de alguien
be beyond someone's understanding

fuera de
other than
(general); out of (position); outside (preposition); beyond (possibility); past (possibility)

fuera de alcance
out of reach
(general); beyond reach (general); above reach (general)

fuera de duda
beyond dispute
(beyond question); beyond a shadow of a doubt (beyond question); past dispute (beyond question); beyond question (beyond doubt); beyond doubt (beyond question); without question (beyond question)

fuera de juego

fuera del alcance del oído
out of earshot

fuera del alcance de uno
beyond one's reach

fuera de la vista
out of sight

fuera del camino
out of the way

fuera del escenario

fuera de lo razonable
beyond all reason
(demand); past all reason (demand)

fuera del país

fuera de lugar
not inherent
(extrinsic); unnecessary (action); extraneous (subject); irrelevant (subject); off the subject (subject); not necessary (action); uncalled-for (comment); extrinsic (not inherent); uncalled-for (action); uncalled-for (behavior)

fuera de perspectiva
out of perspective

fuera de servicio
out of order
(machine); faulty (machine); defective (machine)

fuera de sí
(emotional condition)

fuera de sincronización
out of sync

hacia fuera
(direction); outward (direction)

ir a
make for
(direction); go towards (direction); head for (direction)

ir a buscar
(fetch); go get (fetch); get (fetch); fetch (bring)

ir a despedir
see off

ir a dormir
hit the sack

ir a la busca de

ir a la deriva
be carried along
(water); drift down (river); drift (water); float (water)

ir al paro
go on unemployment

ir a menos
drop away
(drop off); go downhill (person); deteriorate (person); be on the decline (person); decrease (drop off); drop off (drop away); become less (drop off); decline (drop off)

ir a misa
attend church service
(religion); do worship (religion); worship (religion)

ir a ordenar detrás de alguien
pick up after
(clear up); tidy up after (clear up)

ir a pie
(physical activity)

ir a tientas

ir a toda pastilla
drive at a headlong pace
(traffic); drive at breakneck speed (traffic); drive at full tilt (traffic); tear (traffic); drive at a tearing pace (traffic)

ir a toda velocidad
drive at a tearing pace
(traffic); drive at full tilt (traffic); drive at breakneck speed (traffic); drive at a headlong pace (traffic); tear (traffic)

ir a todo gas
drive at a headlong pace
(traffic); drive at full tilt (traffic); tear (traffic); drive at a tearing pace (traffic); drive at breakneck speed (traffic)

ir a ver
look up
(person); call upon (person); call on (person); visit (person)

ir bien juntos
(colors); go together (colors); match (colors)

ir camino de
on the way to

ir como el alma que lleva el diablo
drive at full tilt
(traffic); drive at a tearing pace (traffic); drive at a headlong pace (traffic); tear (traffic); drive at breakneck speed (traffic)

ir como una bala
(movement); dash (movement); shoot (movement); fly (movement)

ir con
come along

ir contra
be opposite to
(principles); go against (principles)

ir cuesta abajo
go downhill
(person); deteriorate (person); be on the decline (person); go downhill (direction)

ir de cacería
go hunting

ir de cacería de zorros
go fox-hunting

ir de capa caída
go to pot
(business company); go downhill (business company); deteriorate (business company); be on the decline (business company)

ir de compras

ir de paseo
go for a drive

ir en cabeza
lead the way

ir en contra
be unfavorable to
(general); go against (general)

ir en grupo

ir en zigzag

ir extinguiéndose
die one by one
(person); die off (person)

ir hacia la ruina
go to pot
(business company); go downhill (business company); be on the decline (business company); deteriorate (business company)

ir mal
go wrong

ir más allá de

ir más rápido
increase speed
(vehicles); accelerate (vehicles); move faster (vehicles)

ir montando en

ir por
go get
(fetch); fetch (bring); get (fetch); bring (fetch)

ir sobre ruedas
go well
(success); go smoothly (success)

ir viento en popa
go smoothly
(success); go well (success)

ir y venir
pace back and forward
(walking); pace up and down (walking); walk around (movement)

ir y venir por

ir y venir regularmente
(shuttle); shuttle (commute); drive back and forth (commute)

mantenerse fuera de la vista
keep out of sight

motor fuera de borda
outboard motor

no ir
be the matter
(problem); be wrong (problem)

no ir muy lejos
not have much success with
(general); not make much of (general); not get very far with (general)

observación fuera de lugar
(comment); irrelevance (comment)

pasaje de ida y vuelta
round-trip ticket
(public transportation)

poner fuera de combate
knock out

por fuera
(general); outwardly (general)

quedarse fuera
stay out

quedarse fuera de
lock oneself out

servicio de transporte de ida y vuelta
shuttle service
(public transportation)

si fuera necesario
if need be
(general); if necessary (general)

si fuera solicitado
if so desired
(general); if requested (general); if required (general)

trabajar fuera de hora
work overtime
(job); work late (job)

transportar de ida y vuelta
(public transportation)

vuelto hacia fuera