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Spanish English Dictionary Phrasebook Translator and Voice


entrada f

1. access (building)
2. admission (general)
3. admission (entrance fee)
4. admittance (general)


1. amid (position)
2. amidst (position)
3. among (position)
4. among (between)
5. between (position)
6. between (among)
7. betwixt (position)

entrada f

charge for admission (admission)


come in (enter)

entrada f

1. drive (driveway)
2. driveway (drive)

entradas fp

earnings (business company)


1. enter (property)
2. enter (come in)

entrada f

1. entrance (building)
2. entrance fee (admission)
3. entry (building)
4. entry (action)


1. go in (general)
2. go into (come in)

entradas fp

high forehead (hair)

entrada f

innings (sports)


1. in the middle of (position)
2. mid (position)
3. midst (position)

entradas fp

receding hairline (hair)


set foot on (property)

entrada f

1. ticket (admission)
2. ticket (sports)

Phrases with  entramos

abrirse paso con dificultad entre
squeeze through

buenas relaciones entre vecinos

buscar comida entre la basura

camino de entrada
(drive); drive (driveway)

casarse entre sí

conseguir entrar en
squash into
(people); squeeze into (people)

conseguir entrar por
squeeze through

considerarse entre
rank with
(importance); rank among (importance); belong with (importance)

cuota de entrada
charge for admission
(admission); entrance fee (admission); admission (entrance fee)

dar como entrada
trade in

dar entrada a
grant access to
(document); allow access to (document); give inspection of (document); grant inspection of (document); ask leave to inspect (document)

decir entre dientes
(voices); murmur (voices)

dejar entrar
(permission); let in (water); let in (person); let in (permission)

destacarse entre
tower above
(height); rise above (height)

diferenciar entre
treat differently
(person); differentiate between (person)

dudar entre dos cosas
be in two minds about something
(emotional condition); be torn between two things (emotional condition); waver between two things (emotional condition)

entrar de paso
drop in
(visit); drop by (visit); visit unexpectedly (visit)

entrar de sopetón
arrive unexpectedly
(person); blow in (person); pop in (general)

entrar en conflicto con
(opinion); collide (opinion); clash (opinion)

entrar en grupo
troop in

entrar en vigencia
take effect

entrar ilegalmente en
trespass upon
(property); trespass on (property)

entrar inadvertido
slip in

entre bastidores
(theater); offstage (theater); behind the scenes (secretly)

entre sí
(general); amongst one another (general)

estar apretado entre
be wedged between
(general); be sandwiched between (position); be wedged in between (general)

estar atrapado entre
be sandwiched between
(position); be wedged between (general); be wedged in between (general)

estar entre la espada y la pared
be in a seriously difficult position
(difficulty); be in dire straits (difficulty)

estar incluido entre
to be included among

figurar entre
rank with
(importance); belong with (importance); rate with (importance); rank among (importance); rate among (importance)

forzar una entrada
break into

hacer entrar en razón
reason with
(reasoning); talk into (influence); persuade to (influence); reason into (influence)

no entrar
keep off
(warning); keep out (warning)

poner entre paréntesis

poner entre paréntesis

preso entre los hielos

prevenir la entrada
warn off

prohibida la entrada
no entry
(traffic sign)

puerto de entrada
port of entry

que deja entrar el agua

registrarse al entrar
sign in

reír entre dientes
(joke); be privately amused (joke); laugh inwardly (joke)

reírse entre dientes
(laugh); chuckle to oneself (entertainment); chuckle (laugh)

reírse entre dientes de
chuckle at

titubear entre dos cosas
waver between two things
(emotional condition); be in two minds about something (emotional condition); be torn between two things (emotional condition)

tomar como entrada
trade in

vacilar entre dos cosas
be torn between two things
(emotional condition); be in two minds about something (emotional condition); waver between two things (emotional condition)

volver a entrar
go back in
(place); come back in (place)