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English Russian Computer Abbreviations Dictionary and Phrasebook


See also: AAC, ABC, ac, acc, ACF, ADC, AEC, af, af', AFA, AFB,   afc, afc', AFCS, AFD, AFF, AFG, AFI, AFL, AFM, AFP, AFR, AFS, AFT, AGC, AIC, alc, AMC, ANC, AOC, APC, AQC, arc, asc, ATC, AVC, AWC, AXC, BFC, CFC, DAFC, DFC, EFC, fac, fc, FFC, HFC, IAFC, IFC, LFC, MFC, OFC, PFC, RFC, sfc, tfc, UFC, VFC, WFC

afc n

автоматическая подстройка частоты, АПЧ, автоматическая регулировка частоты, АРЧ


1. средние постоянные издержки
2. устройство адаптивного управления подачей (рабочего органа)
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Word AFC has been found in the following dictionaries:

English-Russian Aerospace
English-Russian Computer Abbreviations
English-Russian Polytechnic
English-Russian Networking
English-Russian Mechanical
Phrases with AFC found in the following dictionaries:

English-Russian Telecommunications