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English Russian Computer Abbreviations Dictionary and Phrasebook


See also: AST, best, bst, CST, DST, EAT, EBT, ECT, EDT, EET, EFT, EHT, EIT, EJT, elt, EMST, EMT, ENT, EOT, EPT, EQT, ERT, ES, ES', ESA, ESB, ESBT, ESC, ESD, ESE, ESF, ESG, ESI, ESL, ESM, ESN, ESO, ESP, ESPT, esr, ESS, ESST,   EST, est', ESTC, ESTE, ESTF, ESTL, estn, ESTP, ESTU, esu, ESV, ET, ETS, ETT, EUT, ext, FST, GST, HST, IST, Jst, LST, MST, NEST, NST, OST, PEST, PST, QEST, REST, rst, set, SST, ST, test, tst, UST, VST, West, ZST


1. электростатическая запоминающая трубка
2. восточное стандартное поясное время

est n

1. установленный, доказанный
2. оценка, вычисление, оценивать, вычислять, подсчет, смета
3. расчетный, предполагаемый
4. устройство оценки

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English-Russian Business
English-Russian Legal

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Word est has been found in the following dictionaries:

English-Russian Computer Abbreviations
Phrases with est found in the following dictionaries:

English-Russian Business
English-Russian Legal