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English Russian Computer Abbreviations Dictionary and Phrasebook


See also: AH, BH, ch, DH, EH, FH, h, HH, hm, ih, LH, m, M', ma, mb, mc, md, ME, mf, mg,   MH, MH', MHD, MHF, MHL, mho, MHS, MHz, mi, Mk, ml, mm, MMH, Mn, mo, mp, mph, MR, MRH, MS, MSH, mt, MU, mV, mW, MWH, Mx, my, MZ, OH, pH, pmh, QH, rh, sh, th, uh, VH, WH

MH n

1. люк, смотровой колодец
2. устройство обработки сообщений
3. миллигенри, мГн
4. монтажное отверстие
5. умножение полуслова
6. многоцветная голограмма
7. многоцветная голография

mH n

миллигенри, мГн

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English-Russian Radio Engineering

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Word MH has been found in the following dictionaries:

English-Russian Computer Abbreviations
Phrases with MH found in the following dictionaries:

English-Russian Radio Engineering