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English Russian Computer Abbreviations Dictionary and Phrasebook


See also: am, BM, cm, CQM, dm, DQM, em, fm, GM, hm, HQM, im, IQM, JM, km, lm, LQM, m, mm, NM, OM, pm, PQM, q, QA, QAM, QC, QCM, QD, QDM, QE, QF, QFM, QG, QH, QI, QJ, QK, QL,   QM, qm', QMA, QMB, QMS, QMT, QMW, Qn, QP, QPM, QR, qs, qt, QTM, QW, QX, RM, Sm, tm, UM, vm, WM, XM, ym

QM n

1. квадратурная модуляция
2. управление качеством

qm n

среднее квадратическое

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