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English Russian Common Words Pro Dictionary and Phrasebook


have v [ǝv]

1. иметь, обладать

I have a good flat
у меня хорошая квартира

I have no time

у меня нет времени

2. содержать, иметь в составе

June has 30 days
в июне 30 дней

the room has four windows

в комнате четыре окна

3. испытывать, подвергаться (чему-либо)

to have a pleasant time
приятно провести время

I have a headache

у меня болит голова

4. получать, получить, добиваться, добиться

we had news
мы получили известие;

there is nothing to be had

-ничего не добьешься

5. обмануть, разочаровать (употр. в pres. perf. pass.)

you have been had
вас обманули

6. победить, взять верх

he had me in the first game
он побил меня в первой партии

7. утверждать, говорить

as Shakespeare has it
как сказано у Шекспира

he will have it that...

-он утверждает, что...

8. знать, понимать

he has no Greek
-он не знает греческого языка

I have your idea

я понял вашу мысль (составная часть фразовых глаголов c некоторыми отглагольными существительными)

to have a walk


to have a smoke


to have a try


go and have a lie down

пойди полежи

10. испытывать чувство, испытывать ощущение (с абстрактными существительными, образуя фразовый глагол)

to have pity

to have mercy


11. есть, пить (с существительными, обозначающими еду)

to have breakfast

to have dinner


to have tea

пить чай показывает выполнение действия не подлежащим (другим лицом; при этом употребляется сложное дополнение)

please, have your brother bring my books

пусть твой брат принесет мои книги

he had his watch repaired

ему починили часы

what would you have me to do?

что вы хотите, чтобы я сделал? служит для образования перфектных форм

I have done, I had done

я сделал

I shall have done

я сделаю

to have done


14. терпеть, потерпеть

I won't have it
я не потерплю этого

15. позволять, позволить, допускать, допустить

I won't have you say such things
я вам не позволю говорить такие вещи

Phrases with  having

after all my trouble he has learnt nothing
несмотря на все мои старания,

all memory of the past has faded
воспоминание о прошлом изгладилось

an actor who has arrived
актер, который добился успеха, прославился

a new idea has started up
возникла новая идея

apples have gone up
яблоки подорожали

a precious friend you have been
хорош друг

argument has no effect on him
убеждение на него никак не действует

as ill luck would have it
как нарочно, как назло

as luck would have it
к счастью или к несчастью, как повезет, случайно

as Shakespeare has it
как сказано у Шекспира

cloud has blotted out the moon
туча закрыла луну

don't know the trick of it, have not got the trick of it
не знаю, как это делается; не знаю секрета

do you know who has come?
знаете ли вы, кто пришел?

drink as you have brewed
что посеешь, то и пожнешь; сам заварил кашу, сам и расхлебывай

drop as if one had been shot
упасть как подкошенный

each has his several ideal
у каждого свой идеал

each student has to learn it by heart
каждый студент должен выучить это наизусть

every bean has its black
и на солнце есть пятна

every bullet has its billet
от судьбы не уйдешь, пуля виноватого найдет

every dog has his day
будет и на нашей улице праздник

every man has a fool in his sleeve
на всякого мудреца довольно простоты

fortune has smiled upon him from his birth
счастье улыбалось ему с колыбели

go and have a lie down
пойди полежи

had it been a bear it would have bitten
вы ошиблись, вы обознались, оказалось , не так страшно , как вы думали

have a bad mouth
хорошо слушаться узды, плохо слушаться узды
(о лошади)

have a bad night
хорошо спать ночь, плохо спать ночь

have a bad record
иметь хорошую репутацию, иметь плохую репутацию

have a bad squint
сильно косить

have a bash at it
пытаться, покушаться

have a bathe
выкупаться, искупаться

have a bee in one's bonnet
иметь причуды, быть с причудами, быть помешанным на

have a binge
кутить, пьянствовать

have a bite
перекусить, закусить

have a bone in one's arm
быть усталым, быть не в состоянии шевельнуть пальцем, быть не в состоянии подняться, быть не в состоянии идти дальше

have a bone in one's throat
быть не в состоянии сказать ни слова

have a bone to pick with
иметь счеты с

to have a bone to pick with somebody
иметь счеты с кем-либо

have a bottle
выпить, пропустить рюмочку

have a brick in one's hat
быть пьяным

have a brush
почистить щеткой

have a card up one's sleeve
иметь козырь в запасе

have a care
берегись, берегитесь

have a chip on one's shoulder
быть готовым к драке, искать повода к ссоре, держаться вызывающе

have a cigarette

have a clean record
иметь хорошую репутацию

have a common purse
делить поровну все расходы

have a concern in a business
быть участником предприятия

have a crush on somebody
сильно увлечься кем-либо

have a dig at somebody
зло посмеяться над кем-либо

have a dig at something
взяться за

I am going to have a dig at Spanish
я собираюсь взяться за испанский язык

have a dread

have a drink
выпить; попить, напиться

have a drop in one's eye
быть навеселе

have a fancy for something
любить что-либо; увлекаться чем-либо

have a fine time
хорошо провести время

have a finger
участвовать; вмешиваться

have a fit of the mopes

have a fling
попытаться, попробовать

have a fling at somebody
пройтись на либо счет

have a free hand
иметь полную свободу действий, давать полную свободу действий

have a game with

have a glimpse of
увидеть мельком

have a good bed-side manner
уметь подойти к больному
(о враче)

have a good ear
иметь хороший слух

have a good eye for a bargain
покупать с толком

have a good knowledge of English
хорошо знать английский язык

have a good laugh
от души посмеяться

have a good mouth
хорошо слушаться узды, плохо слушаться узды
(о лошади)

have a good night
хорошо спать ночь, плохо спать ночь

have a good nose
иметь хорошее чутье

have a good press
получить благоприятные отзывы в прессе

have a good record
иметь хорошую репутацию, иметь плохую репутацию

have a good sense of smell
иметь тонкое обоняние

have a good slack
бездельничать, ничего не делать

have a great regard
быть очень расположенным

have a grudge against somebody
иметь зуб

have a gust of
высоко ценить, тонко чувствовать

have a hairbreadth escape
едва избежать опасности, быть на волосок
(от чего-либо)

have a hand
участвовать; вмешиваться

have a hand in the dish
быть замешанным
в чем-либо

have a hankering
тосковать; стремиться; очень хотеть

have a hard row to hoe
стоять перед трудной задачей

have a heart
сжальтесь, помилосердствуйте

have a heavy hand
быть строгим; быть неуклюжим

have a high old time
хорошо повеселиться

have a high regard for somebody
быть высокого мнения, быть невысокого мнения

have a high time
хорошо повеселиться, хорошо провести время

have a hold over a person
оказывать влияния

have a hunch
подозревать; догадываться

have a hurried meal
наспех перекусить

have a jagg on
быть выпивши, нагрузиться

have a jag on
быть выпивши, нагрузиться

have a jaw
попридержи язык, придержи язык; заткни глотку, замолчи; поболтать

have a kindness

have a lark

have a lead of five seconds
опередить на три метра, опередить на пять секунд, опережать на три метра, опережать на пять секунд

have a lead of three metres
опередить на три метра, опередить на пять секунд, опережать на три метра, опережать на пять секунд

have a level head
быть уравновешенным

have a limp

have all one's eggs in one basket
рисковать всем

have all one's goods in the shop window
быть поверхностным человеком; выставлять все напоказ

have all one's goods in the window
быть поверхностным человеком, выставлять все напоказ

have all the trumps in one's hand
быть хозяином положения; иметь на руках все козыри

have a load on
нагрузиться, нализаться

have a loaf

have a look at
ознакомиться с; посмотреть на

have a look-in
иметь шансы на успех

have a low regard for somebody
быть высокого мнения, быть невысокого мнения

have a maggot in one's brain (head)
иметь причуды

have a mike

have a millstone about one's neck
надеть себе камень на шею

have an affair with somebody
быть в любовной связи с кем-либо

have a nap
вздремнуть, подремать

have a narrow escape
с трудом избежать опасности; быть на волосок

have a narrow squeak
быть на волосок
(чего-либо); с трудом избежать опасности

have an axe to grind
преследовать личные корыстные цели

have an ax to grind
преследовать личные корыстные цели

have an edge
иметь преимущество

have an edge on
быть навеселе

have an eye

have an eye on somebody
следить за кем-либо

уметь разбираться; быть знатоком

have an eye for something
иметь зоркий глаз; обладать наблюдательностью

have an eye on somebody
следить за кем-либо

have an eyes

have an eye for something
обладать наблюдательностью

have an eye to the main chance
преследовать личные цели, преследовать корыстные цели

have a night off
иметь свободный вечер

have a night out
прокутить всю ночь; иметь выходной вечер
(о прислуге)

have an itching palm
быть взяточником; быть корыстолюбивым, быть жадным

have an oar in every man's boat
постоянно лезть не в свое дело

have an open mind
быть объективным, быть непредубежденным

have an optimum effect
давать максимальный эффект

have another opinion
приглашать еще одного специалиста, пригласить еще одного специалиста

have another vision
смотреть иначе, смотреть на вещи иначе

have appeal
быть привлекательным, нравиться

have a pull at the bottle
глотнуть, выпить

have a question out with
выяснить вопрос с, выяснять вопрос с

have a quiet read
почитать в тишине

have a rare fun
здорово повеселиться

have a rare time
здорово повеселиться

have a ready answer
иметь готовый ответ

have a ready answer for any question
иметь на все готовый ответ, не лезть за словом в карман

have a ready wit
быть находчивым

have a regular dose
принять в большом количестве

have a reputation for wit
славиться остроумием

have a rod in pickle
держать розгу наготове

have a rod in pickle for
держать розгу наготове

have a rough time
терпеть лишения или плохое обращение

have a row
поссориться, ссориться

have art and part in
быть причастным к, быть соучастником

have a screw loose

have a seat
садиться, сесть

have a seat in Parliament
быть членом парламента

have a shave
побриться, бриться

have a shy at something
попробовать добиться, пробовать добиться

have a slate loose
винтика не хватает

have a slight unpleasantness
with somebody

have a smoke

have a snack
перекусить на ходу

have a solid meal
плотно поесть

have a spill

have a spite against
иметь зуб против

have a sponge down
обтереться губкой

have a square meal
плотно поесть

have a stab
попытаться сделать

have a strong resemblance
быть очень похожим

have a sweet tooth
быть сластеной

have a swim

have a taste for music
иметь склонность к музыке

have a taste of skin-diving
иметь представление о плавании под водой

have a temperature
иметь повышенную температуру

have a thick skin
быть нечувствительным

have a thin time
плохо провести время

have a tile loose
винтика не хватает

have at one's finger-ends
знать , как свои пять пальцев

have at one's finger-tips
знать как свои пять пальцев

have a true realization of one's danger
ясно сознавать опасность

have a vogue
быть популярным

have a voice in something
иметь право выразить мнение
по какому-либо поводу

have a warm
погреться, греться

have a wash

have a way
иметь особый подход, уметь убеждать

have a way with oneself
обладать обаянием

have a whack
попробовать, попытаться сделать

have a worm in one's tongue
ворчать, быть сварливым

have a wrangle with somebody
поспорить или повздорить с

have bats in one's belfry
быть ненормальным

have by the leg
поставить в затруднительное положение, ставить в затруднительное положение

have clean hands in the matter
не быть замешанным в данном деле

have cognizance of
знать о

to have cognizance of something
знать о чем-либо

have compassion
пожалеть, жалеть

to have compassion on (upon) somebody
жалеть кого-либо

have compassion on somebody
относиться с состраданием к, отнестись с состраданием к

have compassion upon somebody
относиться с состраданием к, отнестись с состраданием к

have control over
управлять, контролировать

have dealings
вести дела, иметь торговые связи

have dealings with somebody
вести дела; иметь торговые связи с кем-либо

have dealings with somebody
вести дела; иметь торговые связи с кем-либо

have designs on somebody
вынашивать коварные замыслы против кого-либо

have differences
ссориться, расходиться во мнениях

have dinner
обедать, пообедать

have done
довольно, хватит
(с восклицательным знаком); перестань, перестаньте (с восклицательным знаком); перестань, перестаньте (окрик)

have down
принимать в качестве гостя

we'll have them down for a few days
они будут гостить у нас несколько дней

have effect
иметь желательный результат; подействовать

have enough of

I have had enough of him
он мне надоел

have enough on one's plate
быть сытым по горло

have enough time
располагать достаточным запасом времени

have eyes at the back of one's head
все замечать, иметь глаза на затылке

have eyes only for
смотреть только на, не видеть никого , кроме

he had eyes only for his mother
он не видел никого, кроме матери; он смотрел только на мать

have firsthand knowledge
испытать на себе; знать по собственному опыту

have goods on commission
иметь товары на комиссии

have good sport
хорошо поохотиться

have got то же что have в разных значениях

I have got no money about me
у меня при себе нет денег

she has got a cold
иметь, обладать, владеть

I've got very little money
у меня очень мало денег;

he has got the measles
быть обязанным, быть должным (что-либо сделать с inf.)

I've got to go for the doctor at once
я должен немедленно идти за врачом

have got somebody on one's nerves
раздражаться из-за, раздражаться из-за

have got something on one's nerves
раздражаться из-за, раздражаться из-за

have had it
безнадежно отстать, устареть; погибнуть, пропасть

have had one's day
устареть, отслужить свое, выйти из употребления

have half a mind to do something
быть не прочь сделать

have in
иметь в доме
(запас чего-либо)

we have enough coal for the winter
у нас достаточно угля на зиму, нам хватит угля на зиму

have in contempt

have influence with
быть авторитетом для, оказывать влияние на

I have little influence with him
я для него не авторитет

have in mind
помнить, иметь в виду

have in one's disposition
иметь в своем распоряжении

have in view
не терять из виду, иметь в виду

have itching ears
быть любопытным

have it in
иметь зуб

have it one's own way
действовать по-своему, добиваться своего

she had it her own way in the end
в конце концов хозяйкой положения оказалась она

have it your (own) way
have it your (own) way
поступай, как знаешь; твое дело

have keen senses
остро чувствовать, ощущать, ощутить

have leeway
иметь в запасе время

have long ears
быть любопытным

have lost one's tongue
молчать, проглотить язык

have lunch
(в середине рабочего дня)

have many irons in the fire
пустить в ход различные средства
(для достижения цели); пустить в ход различные средства, пускать в ход различные средства (для достижения цели)

have mercy
щадить, миловать
somebody; кого-либо

have money in the funds
держать деньги в государственных бумагах

have money to burn

have more hair than wit
быть дураком

have neither part nor lot in
не иметь ничего общего с

have no ballast
быть неуравновешенным

have no bottom
быть неистощимым, быть неисчерпаемым; быть без дна, не иметь дна

have no bowels
быть безжалостным

have no doubt
можете не сомневаться

have no illusions about
не обольщаться на счет
somebody; кого-либо

have no manner of right
не иметь никакого права

have no manners
не уметь себя вести

have no more than a finger-hold
не иметь ровно никакой опоры

have no opinion of
быть невысокого мнения о

have no resentment
не чувствовать обиды, не таить злобы

have no say in the matter
не участвовать в обсуждении , решении вопроса

have no scruple to do
не постесняться сделать, не стесняться сделать; делать без колебаний, сделать без колебаний

have no settled opinions
не иметь определенных взглядов

have no standing
не иметь веса; быть неубедительным

have not a leg to stand on
не иметь оправдания, не иметь извинения

have not a shirt to one's back
жить в крайней нищете

have nothing
не знать ничего дурного
(somebody ком-либо)

have nothing in common
не иметь ничего общего

to have nothing in common with somebody
не иметь ничего общего с кем-либо

have nothing on somebody
не иметь улик против

have nothing to call one's own
ничего не иметь, быть без средств, ни кола ни двора

have nothing to do with
не касаться, не иметь никакого отношения к, не иметь ничего общего с

have nothing to say for oneself
быть неразговорчивым; не иметь , что сказать в свою защиту

have nothing to show for it
не достичь никаких результатов

have no thought of self
не думать о себе, не подумать о себе

have no truck
не поддерживать отношений, избегать

have on
обманывать, обмануть, надувать, надуть; быть одетым в

to have a hat (an overcoat) on
быть в шляпе (в пальто)

have one foot in the grave
стоять одной ногой в могиле

have one over the eight
напиться, опьянеть

have one's boots nailed
отдать подбить сапоги

have one's brains on ice
сохранять ледяное спокойствие

have one's bread buttered for life
быть обеспеченным на всю жизнь

have one's eye glued to
не отрывать взгляда от

have one's feathers fussed
дать себя раздразнить; взволноваться

have one's fling
погулять, перебеситься

have one's foot on the neck of
поработить, порабощать

have one's gruel
получить взбучку, быть жестоко наказанным; быть убитым

have one's head in the clouds
витать в облаках

have one's head screwed on the right way
иметь хорошую голову на плечах

have one's heart in one's boots
струсить, душа в пятки ушла; испытывать чувство безнадежности, впасть в уныние

have one's heart in one's mouth
быть очень напуганным

have one's heart in the right place
иметь хорошие намерения, иметь добрые намерения

have one's labour for one's pain
напрасно потрудиться, напрасно трудиться

have one's limitations
быть ограниченным, быть недалеким

have one's name bandied about
быть предметом толков

have one's own way
добиться своего, настоять на своем, поступать по-своему

have one's residence

have one's residency

have one's star in the ascendant

have one's whack
получить вдоволь

have one's will
добиться своего

have one's wits about one
понимать что к чему; быть начеку

have one's work cut out for one
иметь много дел , забот , работы

have one up
привлечь к суду, привлекать к суду

have other fish to fry
иметь другие дела

have over the barrel
застать врасплох

to have somebody over the barrel
застать кого-либо врасплох

have part

have pity

have plenty of briefs
иметь большую практику
(об адвокате)

have plenty of fight in one
не сдаваться; быть полным боевого задора

have plenty of time
располагать временем

have quick senses
остро чувствовать, ощущать, ощутить

have quicksilver in one's veins
быть очень живым человеком, быть подвижным человеком

have quick wit
иметь острый ум

have recourse to
прибегать к помощи, прибегнуть к помощи

have recurrence to
обращаться за помощью к

have reliance in
надеяться на, полагаться на
(или upon somebody/something

have reliance on
надеяться на, полагаться на
(или upon somebody/something

have respect for one's promise
держать слово, сдержать слово

have respect to
касаться; принимать во внимание

have reverses
понести денежные потери, нести денежные потери

have scruples
стесняться, совеститься, не решаться, постесняться, посовеститься, не решиться
(на что-либо)

have seen better days
поизноситься, истрепаться
(о вещах)

these things have seen better days
эти вещи поизносились, поистрепались

повидать лучшие времена, видеть лучшие времена (о человеке)

have sharp words
крупно поговорить

have somebody in tow
иметь в числе сопровождающих
(кого-либо); иметь в числе своих поклонников (кого-либо); иметь на своем попечении, опекать (кого-либо)

have somebody on the carpet
вызвать на ковер, давать нагоняй
(кого-либо, кому-либо)

have somebody on the mat
распекать, бранить

have somebody on toast
иметь власть

have somebody's ear
пользоваться благосклонным вниманием

have something about one
иметь нечто при себе, иметь нечто с собой

I had all the documents about me
все документы были у меня с собой (при мне, под рукой)

have something at heart
быть преданным, быть глубоко заинтересованным

have something in trust
получить опеку

have something on one's conscience
чувствовать себя виноватым в чем-либо

have something on the brain
неотступно думать о чем-либо; неотступно думать
(о чем-либо)

have something up one's sleeve
иметь про запас
(что-либо); незаметно держать наготове (что-либо)

have stomach for
иметь желание

have stormy passages
иметь крупный разговор

have the advantage of somebody
иметь преимущество перед кем-либо

have the ball at one's feet
быть господином положения, иметь шансы на успех

have the best of it
победить, взять верх
(в споре и т. п.)

have the best of the bargain
быть в наиболее выгодном положении

have the best opinion
обратиться к лучшему специалисту
(врачу и т. п.)

have the bowels open
иметь стул

have the bye
быть свободным от соревнований

have the cheek to do something
иметь наглость сделать

to have the cheek to say something
иметь наглость сказать что-либо

have the conscience
иметь наглость
(сказать, сделать что-либо)

have the courage of one's convictions (opinions)
иметь мужество поступать согласно своим убеждениям

have the decency to confess
имейте совесть признаться

have the dithers
находиться в состоянии сильного волнения

have the face
иметь наглость
(сказать что-либо)

have the fight of one's life
выдержать тяжелую борьбу

have the floor
выступать, брать слово, выступить, взять слово

have the front to do
иметь наглость сделать

have the gall to do
иметь наглость сделать

have the game in one's hands
быть уверенным в успехе

have the gun at the ready
держать оружие в положении для стрельбы

have the hip

have the hyp

have the jitters

have the jump
получить преимущество

have the key of the street
остаться на ночь без крова; быть выставленным за дверь

have the knack of a thing
делать что-либо ловко, иметь сноровку

have the laugh

have the law
привлечь к суду, привлекать к суду
somebody; кого-либо

have the lead
занять первое место, занимать первое место

have the legs
бежать быстрее; убежать

have the length of somebody's foot
узнать слабость, раскусить человека

have the makings of an actor
у него задатки актера

have the mumps

have the needle
нервничать; быть в дурном настроении

have the nerve
иметь нахальство, иметь наглость

to have the nerve to do something
иметь наглость сделать что-либо

have the night out
прокутить всю ночь; иметь выходной вечер
(о прислуге)

have the pip
быть в плохом настроении

have the refusal of something
иметь право выбирать первым, дать право выбирать первым

have the run of somebody's books
иметь право пользоваться книгами

have the say
распоряжаться, распорядиться

have the sulks
быть сердитым; дуться, надуться

have the upper hand
иметь превосходство, господствовать

have the use

have the vote
иметь право голоса

one man one vote
каждый избиратель имеет право голосовать только один раз

have the weather
идти с наветренной стороны; иметь преимущество
(перед кем-либо)

have the weather gage of
иметь преимущество перед

have the weather gauge of
иметь преимущество перед

have the whip hand of somebody
иметь в полном подчинении

have the wind-up

have the wolf in the stomach
быть голодным, умирать с голоду

have the worse
потерпеть поражение

have time on one's hands
иметь массу свободного времени

have to
быть должным, быть вынужденным
(что-либо сделать)

I have to go to the dentist
мне необходимо пойти к зубному врачу

the clock will have to be fixed
have too many irons in the fire
заниматься многими делами одновременно; пустить в ход различные средства, пускать в ход различные средства
(для достижения цели)

have too much tongue
что на уме , то и на языке

have trust in

have two strings to one's bow
иметь на всякий случай дополнительные ресурсы

have views
иметь виды

have way on
двигаться вперед
(о корабле, автомобиле и т. п.)

have words
крупно поговорить, поссориться
with somebody

have you any money?
есть ли у вас деньги?

have you anything farther to say
у вас есть еще что сказать

have you anything to declare?
предъявите вещи, подлежащие обложению пошлиной

have you hurt yourself?
вы ушиблись?

have you lost anything
вы что-нибудь потеряли

have you prepared it for yourself?
вы это для себя приготовили?

he gave her what money he had
он дал ей все деньги, какие у него были

he had a close shave of it
он был на волосок от этого

he had a feeling of safety
он чувствовал себя в безопасности

he had a stroke
у него был удар

he had eyes only for his mother
он не видел никого, кроме матери; он смотрел только на мать

he had his arm in a sling
у него рука была на перевязи

he had his watch repaired
ему починили часы

he had ill luck
ему не повезло

he had little money if any
если у него были деньги то очень немного, у него почти не было денег

he had me in the first game
он побил меня в первой партии

he had no sooner got well than he fell ill again
не успел он выздороветь, как снова заболел

he had not sufficient courage for it
на это у него не хватило храбрости

he had no warrant for saying that
у него не было основания говорить это

he had scarce arrived when he was told that
едва он вошел, ему сказали, что

he had scarcely arrived when he was told that
едва он вошел, ему сказали, что

he had the afterthought
ему это только потом пришло в голову

he had two teeth pulled
ему удалили два зуба

he has a bad wind
он страдает одышкой

he has a blister on the sole of his foot
у него волдырь на пятке

he has a cobweb in his throat
у него горло пересохло

he has a famous appetite
у него замечательный аппетит

he has a fine person
он красив

he has a gentle aspect
у него добродушный вид

he has a glib tongue
он бойкий на язык

he has a good head for mathematics
у него хорошие способности к математике

he has a head on his shoulders
у него хорошая голова

he has a large family to provide for
он содержит большую семью

he has a large following
у него много последователей

he has a large share of self-esteem
у него очень развито чувство собственного достоинства

he has a marvellous touch in dealing with children
он прекрасно ладит с детьми

he has a memory like a sieve
у него очень плохая память

he has an optimistic turn of mind
он оптимист

he has a ready tongue
он за словом в карман не полезет

he has a screw loose
у него винтика не хватает

he has a seat on the Board
он член правления

he has a stiff leg
у него нога онемела

he has a streak of obstinacy
ему присуще некоторое упрямство

he has a yellow streak in him
он трусоват

he has been a good father to them
он был им хорошим отцом

he has been healthy ever since
с тех пор он все время был здоров

he has come to the fore recently
с некоторых пор о нем

he has developed a tendency to brood
у него проявилась привычка размышлять; он стал часто задумываться

he has done it all by himself
он сделал все сам, он сделал все без посторонней помощи

he has done much in his particular sphere
он многое сделал в своей области

he has done nothing out of the way
он не сделал ничего из ряда вон выходящего

he has done the trick
ему это удалось

he has enough and to spare
он имеет больше , чем нужно

he has enow and to spare
он имеет больше, чем нужно

he has fair manners
у него изящные манеры

he has gone to his rest
он умер

he has good command of the language
он свободно владеет языком

he has got into a precious mess
- он попал в весьма трудное положение

he has got points
у него есть достоинства

he has got the measles
у него корь

he has got to go there
ему придется пойти туда

he has great command of the language
он свободно владеет языком

he has had a world of troubles
у него пропасть хлопот

he has intentions
у него серьезные намерения

he has it in him
он способен на это

he has just come
он только что пришел

he has left a sad memory behind
он оставил по себе недобрую память

he has little or no vocation for teaching
у него душа не лежит к профессии учителя

he has many expenses to meet
он несет большие расходы

he has more ability than his predecessors
у него больше умения , чем у предшественников

he has name for honesty
он известен своей честностью

he has never had it so good
ему никогда так хорошо не жилось

he has no equal
ему нет равного

he has no Greek
-он не знает греческого языка

he has no kick left
он выдохся

he has no match
ему нет равного

he has no reason to be offended
у него нет никакой причины обижаться, у него нет причины обижаться

he has no superior in wit
никто его не превзойдет в остроумии

he has not a dry stitch on
он промок до нитки

he has not all his buttons
у него винтика не хватает

he has not a rag to his back
ему нечего носить; у него совсем нет одежды

he has not a sou
у него нет ни гроша

he has not a stitch to his back
он гол как сокол

he has not clapped eyes on her for years
он не видел ее много лет

he has not come yet
он еще не пришел

he has not done a stitch of work
он не сделал ровно ничего

he has not even dry behind the ears
у него молоко на губах не обсохло

he has not found anything
он ничего не нашел

he has not got an ounce of sense
у него нет ни капли здравого смысла

he has not got his remove
он остался на второй год

he has nothing to repent of
ему не в чем раскаиваться

he has not touched food for two days
он два дня ничего не ел

he has passed sixteen
ему уже больше шестнадцати

he has peculiar ways
он со странностями

he has quick wits
он сообразителен

he has shot his last bolt
он сделал последнее усилие

he has small Latin
он плохо знает латынь

he has something up his sleeve
у него что-то на уме

he has sown his wild oats
он перебесился, остепенился

he has taken a glass too much
он выпил лишнее

he has taken two seats for the theatre
он взял два билета в театр

he has the goods
он вполне компетентен

he has three daughters, none are (is) married
у него три дочери, ни одна не замужем

he has yet much to say
ему еще многое надо сказать

he must have confused me with somebody else
он должно быть принял меня за другого

he used the very same words as I had
он в точности повторил мои слова

he will have it that...
-он утверждает, что...

he will have no books but such as I'll let him have
он не получит никаких книг, кроме тех, которые я разрешу ему взять

he would have fallen but for me
он упал бы, если бы не я

he would have fallen but that I caught him
он упал бы, если бы я его не подхватил

his bed has not been slept in
он не ночевал дома

his character has set
у него уже вполне сложившийся характер

his cheeks have filled out
его лицо пополнело

his energy has not bated
его энергия не ослабла

his fame has suffered an eclipse
слава его померкла

his hour has struck
его смертный час пробил

his life had well-nigh completed its span
жизнь его уже близилась к концу

his mind has lost its spring
он стал туго соображать

his name had escaped my memory
не могу припомнить его имени

his researches have been fruitful
его изыскания были плодотворными

his service has no sting in it
у него слабая подача
(в теннисе)

his sight has failed of late
его зрение резко упало за последнее время

his soul has been seared by injustice
несправедливость ожесточила его

his star has set
его звезда закатилась

how can he buy it when he has no money?
как он может это купить, если у него нет денег?

hungry bellies have no ears
соловья баснями не кормят

I am going to have a dig at Spanish
я собираюсь взяться за испанский язык

I am through with this book, will you let me have another one?
я кончил эту книгу, не дадите ли вы мне другую?

if anything he has little changed
пожалуй , он совсем не изменился

if one wants a thing done one had best do it himself
если хочешь, чтобы дело было сделано, сделай его сам

if only I had known
если бы я только знал (тогда)

if we come too soon we'll have to wait
если мы придем слишком рано , нам придется ждать

if you had half an eye
если бы вы не были совершенно слепы

if you will have it
если вы настаиваете

I had a great tug to persuade him
мне стоило больших усилий уговорить его

I had all the documents about me
все документы были у меня с собой (при мне, под рукой)

I had an inkling of it
я подозревал это

I had best
я предпочел бы, лучше бы

you had better go home
вам бы лучше пойти домой

I had better
я предпочел бы, лучше бы

you had better go home
вам бы лучше пойти домой

I had hardly uttered a word
я едва успел вымолвить слово

I had it on the tip of my tongue
у меня это вертелось на кончике языка

I had like to have fallen
я чуть не упал

I had my tooth out
мне удалили зуб

I had not laid a finger on him
я его и пальцем не тронул

I had only a momentary vision of the sea
я только на мгновение увидел море

I had some trouble in reading his handwriting
мне было трудно понять его почерк

I have a good flat
у меня хорошая квартира

I have a great (good) mind to do it
у меня большое желание это сделать

I have a headache
у меня болит голова

I have a sore throat
у меня болит горло

I have a stiff neck
мне надуло в шею

I have a surprise in store for you
у меня для вас приготовлен сюрприз

I have been here since ten o'clock
я здесь с десяти часов

I have been there
все это уже известно

I have busied him for the whole day
я дал ему работу на целый день

I have come in the capacity of a friend
я пришел как друг

I have done, I had done
я сделал

I have done with my work
я кончил свою работу

I have got a date
у меня свидание

I have got him safe
он не убежит, он не сможет сделать ничего дурного

I have got him secure
он не убежит

I have got no money about me
у меня при себе нет денег

I have had enough of him
он мне надоел

I have had enow of him
он мне надоел

I have had my work cut out for me
у меня дела по горло

I have heard it before
я это уже слышал

I have heard of it
я слышал об этом

I have heard of your doings
слышал я о твоих подвигах (ирон.)

I have hurt myself
я ушибся

I have known him since he was in petticoats
я знаю его с пеленок

I have left the magazines behind
я забыл журналы, я забыл принести журналы

I have little influence with him
я для него не авторитет

I have many demands on my purse
у меня много расходов

I have many demands on my time
у меня очень много дел

I have my doubts about him
у меня на его счет есть сомнения

I have never been to the Caucasus
я никогда не был на Кавказе

I have never seen his beat
он бесподобен

I have no certain abode
у меня нет определенного пристанища

I have no choice but
у меня нет иного выхода , кроме, я принужден

I have no complaint to make
мне не на что жаловаться

I have no feeling in this leg
у меня нога онемела

I have no more to say
мне нечего больше сказать

I have no notion of resigning
я не собираюсь подавать в отставку

I have no option
у меня нет выбора

I have no patience with him
он меня выводит из терпения

I have nothing of my own
у меня ничего нет
(никакой собственности)

I have no time
у меня нет времени

I have no time to spare today
у меня нет сегодня свободного времени

I have not seen anybody
я никого не видел

I have not seen him since
я его не видел с тех пор

I have not seen you for ages
я не видел вас целую вечность

I have not the vaguest notion what to do
не имею ни малейшего представления , что делать

I have no use for it
мне это совершенно не нужно; я этого не выношу

I have no voice in the matter
это от меня не зависит

I have quite lost my cold
у меня совсем прошел насморк

I have read the book through
я прочел всю книгу

I have read the book thru
я прочел всю книгу

I have some money to spare
у меня есть лишние деньги

I have to attend a meeting
мне надо быть на собрании

I have to go to the dentist
мне необходимо пойти к зубному врачу

I have torn my finger
я поранил себе палец

I have walked the country for many miles round
я обошел всю местность на протяжении многих миль

I have weighty, nay, unanswerable reasons
у меня есть веские, более того, бесспорные основания

I have your idea
я понял вашу мысль

I intended to have gone
я намеревался пойти
(но не пошел)

I'll have to collect from you
вам придется расплатиться со мной

I'm sorry I can't come today.
Oh! but you have promised to.

I need not have done it
мне не следовало этого делать

I paid my bill and had five shillings over
я заплатил по счету, и у меня ещё осталось пять шиллингов

I shall have done
я сделаю

I submit that a material fact has been passed over
я смею утверждать, что существенный факт был пропущен

it developed that he had made a mistake
выяснилось, что он ошибся

It has been paid for
- за это было уплачено.

it has come to stay
это надолго

it has done his business
это его доконало

it has fared ill with him
ему плохо пришлось

it has just dawned upon me
меня вдруг осенило, мне пришло в голову

it has just struck four
только что пробило четыре

it has passed into a proverb
это вошло в поговорку

it has rained for three successive days
дождь идет три дня подряд

it has slipped my attention
я этого как-то не заметил

it has the ring of truth about it
это звучит правдоподобно

it is a long lane that has no turn
и несчастьям бывает конец

it is the best symphony I have ever heard
это лучшая симфония слышанная мной

I've had my fill of it
- с меня хватит

I won't have any language here
прошу не выражаться

I won't have it
я не потерплю этого

I won't have you say such things
я вам не позволю говорить такие вещи

I would rather have his room than his company
я предпочел бы, чтобы он ушел

June has 30 days
в июне 30 дней

let him have his say
пусть он выскажется

let him have it
дай ему взбучку, задай ему перцу

let it have its swing
пусть исчерпает свой запас энергии

let me have a squint at it
дайте мне взглянуть

let's have a go at it
давайте попробуем

let us have a chat

let us have done with it
оставим это, покончим с этим

lie on the bed one has made
что посеешь , то и пожнешь

little pitchers have long ears
дети любят подслушивать; стены имеют уши

lock the stable after the horse has been stolen
хватиться слишком поздно

long use has reconciled me to it
я примирился с этим благодаря давнишней привычке

luck has turned
фортуна изменила

mad people have to be restrained
сумасшедших приходится изолировать

make the best of what you have
используй лучше то , что имеешь
(полный вариант этой пословицы таков: if you cannot have the best, make the best of what you have если не имеешь лучшего, используй получше то, что есть)

many new houses have sprung in this district
в этом районе появилось много новых домов

may I have the honor
окажите мне честь
(отобедать со мной и т. п.)

may I have the honour
окажите мне честь
(отобедать со мной и т. п.)

much time has gone since that day
с того дня прошло много времени

much water has flown under the bridge since that time
много воды утекло с тех пор

much will have more
деньги к деньгам

my affairs have taken a bad turn
мои дела приняли дурной оборот

my attempt has failed
моя попытка не удалась

my family has outgrown our house
дом стал тесен для моей разросшейся семьи

my house has a southern aspect
мой дом выходит на юг

My sister has left for Moscow
- моя сестра уехала в Москву

no one else has come
никто больше не приходил

no sooner had he arrived than he fell ill
едва он успел приехать , как заболел

not a drop has passed his lips
он ничего не пил, он ничего не ел

not a word has passed his lips
он не проронил ни слова

not have the ghost of a chance
не иметь ни малейшего шанса

nothing has resulted from my efforts
из моих усилий ничего не вышло

nothing venture nothing have
волков бояться

not to have a bean
не иметь ни гроша

not to have a look in with somebody
быть хуже , чем кто-либо, не сравниться с кем-либо

not to have a penny to one's name
не иметь ни гроша за душой

operator, I have been cut off
послушайте, станция, нас разъединили

our plan has come unstuck
наш план не удался

please, have your brother bring my books
пусть твой брат принесет мои книги

prices have reached the highest notch
цены достигли высшего уровня

pride will have a fall
гордый покичился да во прах свалился, гордыня не доведет до добра

public opinion has become vocal
общественное мнение подняло свой голос

public opinion has jelled on that question
по этому вопросу существует определенная точка зрения

put (stretch, have) one's knees (feet) under somebody's mahogany
обедать у кого-либо; пользоваться чьим-либо гостеприимством; жить на чей-либо счет

reap as one has sown
что посеешь , то и пожнешь

reap where one has not sown
пожинать плоды чужого труда

sell the bear's skin before one has caught it
делить шкуру неубитого медведя

she can't have done it
не может быть , чтобы она это сделала

she had a good cry
она выплакалась

she had a green hat on
на ней была зеленая шляпа

she had a rich make-up
она была сильно накрашена

she had a sudden inspiration
ее осенила блестящая идея

she had it her own way in the end
в конце концов хозяйкой положения оказалась она

she had the last word
ее слово было последним, она в долгу не осталась

she has a far-away look in her eyes
у нее отсутствующий взгляд

she has an appreciation of art
она понимает искусство, она хорошо понимает искусство

she has a natural wave in her hair
у нее вьются волосы

she has an individual style
у нее своеобразный стиль

she has a turn for music
у нее есть музыкальные способности

she has come to be the focal point
она занимает главное место

she has expensive tastes in clothes
она любит носить дорогие вещи

she has got a cold
она простужена

she has it
в ней что-то есть

she has just come from London
она только что приехала из Лондона

she has nothing extra around her waist
у нее безукоризненная талия

she has roses in her cheeks
румянец играет на ее щеках, она пышет здоровьем

she loves visiting with her neighbours and having a good gossip
она любит поболтать и посплетничать с соседями

since seeing you I have heard
после того , как я видел вас , я узнал

somebody had tampered with the lock
кто-то пытался открыть замок

something must have happened
очевидно что-то случилось

that has done it
это решило дело, это переполнило чашу

that man has no soul
это бездушный человек

the ayes have it
большинство за

the bank has advanced the rate of discount to 5%
банк повысил процент учета до пяти процентов

the beams have begun to sag
балки начинают прогибаться

the belly has no ears
соловья баснями не кормят

the bird has flown
"птичка улетела" (преступник скрылся)

the bishop has played the cook
епископ был тут поваром
(говорится о подгоревшем блюде)

the black ox has trod on my foot
меня постигло несчастье

the book has a considerable run
книга хорошо распродается

the clock will have to be fixed
часы нужно починить

the clouds have gone
тучи рассеялись

the dictionary has been revised throughout
словарь был с начала до конца пересмотрен

the disease has its seat in the liver
болезнь локализована в печени

the experiment has not answered at all
опыт не удался

the fever has subsided
температура спала

the harvest has been stored
урожай убран

the hour has struck
пробил час, настало время

the jelly has set
желе застыло

the key has stuck in the lock
ключ застрял в замке

the knife has no edge
нож затупился

the knot has come undone
узел развязался

the long march has quite finished the army
длинный переход обессилил войска

the milk has turned
молоко прокисло

the more he has the more he wants
чем больше он имеет, тем большего он хочет

the mountain has brought forth a mouse
гора родила мышь

the nays have it
большинство против

the Neva has fallen
вода в Неве спала;

the news has a sinister sound
новость звучит зловеще

the noes have it
большинство против

the pipes have wept
трубы запотели

the police have nailed the thief
полиция задержала вора

the police have uncovered a plot
полиция раскрыла заговор

the quality of ale has gone down
качество пива ухудшилось

there have been no letters from him as yet
от него еще пока нет писем

there , I have upset the ink
надо же , чернила я разлил

there is nothing to be had
-ничего не добьешься

the river has channelled its way through the rocks
река проложила себе путь в скалах

the river has grooved itself through
река прорыла себе проход

the room has a southern exposure
комната выходит на юг

the room has four windows
в комнате четыре окна

the rumour has no foundation
это ни чем не основанный слух

the scheme has worked well as yet
пока эта схема вполне себя оправдывает

these boots have stood a good deal of wear
эти сапоги хорошо послужили

these stockings are seconds and have some slight defects
эти чулки второго сорта и имеют незначительные дефекты

these things have seen better days
эти вещи поизносились, поистрепались

the sheep has strayed from the flock
овца отбилась от стада

the storm has spent itself
буря улеглась

the table-top has warped
крышка стола покоробилась

the temperature has fallen
температура упала; похолодало;

the train has just started
поезд только что ушел

the water has worn a channel
вода промыла канаву

the wind has gone round to the north
ветер повернул на север

they had five dollars apiece
у каждого из них было по пяти долларов

they have built themselves a house
они выстроили себе дом

they have not done a stroke of work
они палец о палец не ударили

things have come to a pretty pass
дела приняли скверный оборот

this clause of the bill will have to go
эта статья законопроекта должна быть отменена

this custom has been traced to the twelfth century
этот обычай восходит к двенадцатому веку

this has no bearing on the question
это не имеет никакого отношения к делу, это не имеет отношения к этому вопросу

this medicine has no taste
это лекарство безвкусно

this piano has several dumb notes
у этого пианино несколько клавишей

this picture tops all I have ever seen
эта картина

thou nor I have made the world
ни ты, ни я не создали мира

to be in need of, to feel the need of, to have need of
нуждаться в чем-либо

to have a bone to pick with somebody
иметь счеты с кем-либо

to have a cinch on somebody
держать кого-либо в узде

to have a distaste for something
испытывать отвращение к чему-либо

to have a go (at)
попытаться, рискнуть

to have a hat (an overcoat) on
быть в шляпе (в пальто)

to have an evening out
провести вечер вне дома (в кино, ресторане и т. п.)

to have a pleasant time
приятно провести время

to have a smoke

to have a theory that...
полагать, что...

to have a try

to have a try at something
попытаться сделать что-либо

to have a view of something, to take a view of something
осмотреть что-либо

to have a walk

to have breakfast

to have buried one's relatives
потерять, похоронить близких

to have cognizance of something
знать о чем-либо

to have compassion on (upon) somebody
жалеть кого-либо

to have dinner

to have done

to have enow time
располагать достаточным запасом времени

to have good reason to believe
иметь все основания считать

to have mercy

to have no commerce with somebody
не иметь ничего общего с кем-либо

to have no notion of something
не иметь ни малейшего представления о чем-либо

to have nothing in common with somebody
не иметь ничего общего с кем-либо

to have pity

to have rats in the attic
винтиков не хватает (жарг.)

to have somebody over the barrel
застать кого-либо врасплох

to have tea
пить чай

to have the bulge on somebody
иметь преимущество перед кем-либо

to have the cheek to say something
иметь наглость сказать что-либо

to have the nerve to do something
иметь наглость сделать что-либо

to have (to hold, to take) somebody at a (the) vantage
иметь преимущество перед кем-либо

walls have ears
стены имеют уши

we had a mad time
мы очень веселились

we had an almighty row
у нас произошел ужасный скандал

we had a rattling time
мы великолепно провели время

we had caught up on sleep
нам удалось отоспаться

we had news
мы получили известие;

we had no end of a time
мы прекрасно провели время

we had no end of good time
мы превосходно провели время

we had six members to start with
у нас сперва было шесть членов

we had ten degrees of frost last night
вчера вечером было десять градусов мороза

we have allowed for twenty people
мы были готовы встретить (принять) двадцать человек

we have enough coal for the winter
у нас достаточно угля на зиму, нам хватит угля на зиму

we have finished the pie
мы доели этот пирог

we have got a do on tonight
у нас сегодня вечер

we have not seen each other for ages
мы давно не виделись

we have the enemy on the run
мы обратили противника в бегство

we'll have them down for a few days
они будут гостить у нас несколько дней

what had he on?
во что он был одет?

what has become of him?
что с ним сталось?, куда он девался?

what would you have me to do?
что вы хотите, чтобы я сделал?

where have you sprung from?
откуда вы появились?

whoever he may be he has no right to speak like that
кто бы он ни был, он не имеет права говорить подобным образом

will you have a spot of whisky
хотите немного виски

will you have the goodness to do it
будьте настолько добры , сделайте это

winter has set in
наступила зима

you had best confess
вам лучше всего сознаться

you had better believe it
можете быть уверены

you had better go
вам бы лучше пойти

you had better go home
вам бы лучше пойти домой

you had no business to do it
вы не имели основания это делать, вы не имели права это делать

you had the ill grace to deny it
вы имели бестактность отрицать это

you had your inning
ваше время прошло

you had your innings
ваше время прошло

you have been and done it
ну и наделали вы дел

you have been had
вас обманули

you have been spoofed
вас разыграли

you have made your bed and you must lie on it
что посеешь, то и пожнешь

you have my sympathies
я на вашей стороне

you have no call to blush
вам нечего краснеть

you have no right to go there, to start with
нужно начать с того, что вы не имеете права ходить туда

you have nothing to fret about
вам не из-за чего волноваться

you have saved me trouble
вы избавили меня от хлопот

you have scored
вам повезло

you have set me a difficult job
вы задали мне трудную задачу

you have won me
вы меня убедили

you might have heard a pin fall
слышно было , как муха пролетит

you must have heard about it
вы , должно быть , об этом слышали

you ought to have written to her
тебе следовало написать ей (а ты этого не сделал)

your argument has not a leg to stand on
ваш довод не выдерживает критики

you will jolly well have to do it
все-таки вам придется сделать это

How to Translate
after all my trouble he has learnt nothing

all memory of the past has faded

an actor who has arrived

a new idea has started up

apples have gone up

a precious friend you have been

argument has no effect on him

as ill luck would have it

as luck would have it

as Shakespeare has it

cloud has blotted out the moon

don't know the trick of it, have not got the trick of it

do you know who has come?

drink as you have brewed

drop as if one had been shot

each has his several ideal

each student has to learn it by heart

every bean has its black

every bullet has its billet

every dog has his day

every man has a fool in his sleeve

fortune has smiled upon him from his birth

go and have a lie down

had it been a bear it would have bitten

have a bad mouth

have a bad night

have a bad record

have a bad squint

have a bash at it

have a bathe

have a bee in one's bonnet

have a binge

have a bite

have a bone in one's arm

have a bone in one's throat

have a bone to pick with

have a bottle

have a brick in one's hat

have a brush

have a card up one's sleeve

have a care

have a chip on one's shoulder

have a cigarette

have a clean record

have a common purse

have a concern in a business

have a crush on somebody

have a dig at somebody

have a dig at something

have a dread

have a drink

have a drop in one's eye

have a fancy for something

have a fine time

have a finger

have a fit of the mopes

have a fling

have a fling at somebody

have a free hand

have a game with

have a glimpse of

have a good bed-side manner

have a good ear

have a good eye for a bargain

have a good knowledge of English

have a good laugh

have a good mouth

have a good night

have a good nose

have a good press

have a good record

have a good sense of smell

have a good slack

have a great regard

have a grudge against somebody

have a gust of

have a hairbreadth escape

have a hand

have a hand in the dish

have a hankering

have a hard row to hoe

have a heart

have a heavy hand

have a high old time

have a high regard for somebody

have a high time

have a hold over a person

have a hunch

have a hurried meal

have a jagg on

have a jag on

have a jaw

have a kindness

have a lark

have a lead of five seconds

have a lead of three metres

have a level head

have a limp

have all one's eggs in one basket

have all one's goods in the shop window

have all one's goods in the window

have all the trumps in one's hand

have a load on

have a loaf

have a look at

have a look-in

have a low regard for somebody

have a maggot in one's brain (head)

have a mike

have a millstone about one's neck

have an affair with somebody

have a nap

have a narrow escape

have a narrow squeak

have an axe to grind

have an ax to grind

have an edge

have an edge on

have an eye

have an eye for something

have an eye on somebody

have an eyes

have an eye to the main chance

have a night off

have a night out

have an itching palm

have an oar in every man's boat

have an open mind

have an optimum effect

have another opinion

have another vision

have appeal

have a pull at the bottle

have a question out with

have a quiet read

have a rare fun

have a rare time

have a ready answer

have a ready answer for any question

have a ready wit

have a regular dose

have a reputation for wit

have a rod in pickle

have a rod in pickle for

have a rough time

have a row

have art and part in

have a screw loose

have a seat

have a seat in Parliament

have a shave

have a shy at something

have a slate loose

have a slight unpleasantness

have a smoke

have a snack

have a solid meal

have a spill

have a spite against

have a sponge down

have a square meal

have a stab

have a strong resemblance

have a sweet tooth

have a swim

have a taste for music

have a taste of skin-diving

have a temperature

have a thick skin

have a thin time

have a tile loose

have at one's finger-ends

have at one's finger-tips

have a true realization of one's danger

have a vogue

have a voice in something

have a warm

have a wash

have a way

have a way with oneself

have a whack

have a worm in one's tongue

have a wrangle with somebody

have bats in one's belfry

have by the leg

have clean hands in the matter

have cognizance of

have compassion

have compassion on somebody

have compassion upon somebody

have control over

have dealings

have dealings with somebody

have designs on somebody

have differences

have dinner

have done

have down

have effect

have enough of

have enough on one's plate

have enough time

have eyes at the back of one's head

have eyes only for

have firsthand knowledge

have goods on commission

have good sport

have got

have got somebody on one's nerves

have got something on one's nerves

have had it

have had one's day

have half a mind to do something

have in

have in contempt

have influence with

have in mind

have in one's disposition

have in view

have itching ears

have it in

have it one's own way

have it your (own) way

have keen senses

have leeway

have long ears

have lost one's tongue

have lunch

have many irons in the fire

have mercy

have money in the funds

have money to burn

have more hair than wit

have neither part nor lot in

have no ballast

have no bottom

have no bowels

have no doubt

have no illusions about

have no manner of right

have no manners

have no more than a finger-hold

have no opinion of

have no resentment

have no say in the matter

have no scruple to do

have no settled opinions

have no standing

have not a leg to stand on

have not a shirt to one's back

have nothing

have nothing in common

have nothing on somebody

have nothing to call one's own

have nothing to do with

have nothing to say for oneself

have nothing to show for it

have no thought of self

have no truck

have on

have one foot in the grave

have one over the eight

have one's boots nailed

have one's brains on ice

have one's bread buttered for life

have one's eye glued to

have one's feathers fussed

have one's fling

have one's foot on the neck of

have one's gruel

have one's head in the clouds

have one's head screwed on the right way

have one's heart in one's boots

have one's heart in one's mouth

have one's heart in the right place

have one's labour for one's pain

have one's limitations

have one's name bandied about

have one's own way

have one's residence

have one's residency

have one's star in the ascendant

have one's whack

have one's will

have one's wits about one

have one's work cut out for one

have one up

have other fish to fry

have over the barrel

have part

have pity

have plenty of briefs

have plenty of fight in one

have plenty of time

have quick senses

have quicksilver in one's veins

have quick wit

have recourse to

have recurrence to

have reliance in

have reliance on

have respect for one's promise

have respect to

have reverses

have scruples

have seen better days

have sharp words

have somebody in tow

have somebody on the carpet

have somebody on the mat

have somebody on toast

have somebody's ear

have something about one

have something at heart

have something in trust

have something on one's conscience

have something on the brain

have something up one's sleeve

have stomach for

have stormy passages

have the advantage of somebody

have the ball at one's feet

have the best of it

have the best of the bargain

have the best opinion

have the bowels open

have the bye

have the cheek to do something

have the conscience

have the courage of one's convictions (opinions)

have the decency to confess

have the dithers

have the face

have the fight of one's life

have the floor

have the front to do

have the gall to do

have the game in one's hands

have the gun at the ready

have the hip

have the hyp

have the jitters

have the jump

have the key of the street

have the knack of a thing

have the laugh

have the law

have the lead

have the legs

have the length of somebody's foot

have the makings of an actor

have the mumps

have the needle

have the nerve

have the night out

have the pip

have the refusal of something

have the run of somebody's books

have the say

have the sulks

have the upper hand

have the use

have the vote

have the weather

have the weather gage of

have the weather gauge of

have the whip hand of somebody

have the wind-up

have the wolf in the stomach

have the worse

have time on one's hands

have to

have too many irons in the fire

have too much tongue

have trust in

have two strings to one's bow

have views

have way on

have words

have you any money?

have you anything farther to say

have you anything to declare?

have you hurt yourself?

have you lost anything

have you prepared it for yourself?

he gave her what money he had

he had a close shave of it

he had a feeling of safety

he had a stroke

he had eyes only for his mother

he had his arm in a sling

he had his watch repaired

he had ill luck

he had little money if any

he had me in the first game

he had no sooner got well than he fell ill again

he had not sufficient courage for it

he had no warrant for saying that

he had scarce arrived when he was told that

he had scarcely arrived when he was told that

he had the afterthought

he had two teeth pulled

he has a bad wind

he has a blister on the sole of his foot

he has a cobweb in his throat

he has a famous appetite

he has a fine person

he has a gentle aspect

he has a glib tongue

he has a good head for mathematics

he has a head on his shoulders

he has a large family to provide for

he has a large following

he has a large share of self-esteem

he has a marvellous touch in dealing with children

he has a memory like a sieve

he has an optimistic turn of mind

he has a ready tongue

he has a screw loose

he has a seat on the Board

he has a stiff leg

he has a streak of obstinacy

he has a yellow streak in him

he has been a good father to them

he has been healthy ever since

he has come to the fore recently

he has developed a tendency to brood

he has done it all by himself

he has done much in his particular sphere

he has done nothing out of the way

he has done the trick

he has enough and to spare

he has enow and to spare

he has fair manners

he has gone to his rest

he has good command of the language

he has got into a precious mess -

he has got points

he has got the measles

he has got to go there

he has great command of the language

he has had a world of troubles

he has intentions

he has it in him

he has just come

he has left a sad memory behind

he has little or no vocation for teaching

he has many expenses to meet

he has more ability than his predecessors

he has name for honesty

he has never had it so good

he has no equal

he has no Greek

he has no kick left

he has no match

he has no reason to be offended

he has no superior in wit

he has not a dry stitch on

he has not all his buttons

he has not a rag to his back

he has not a sou

he has not a stitch to his back

he has not clapped eyes on her for years

he has not come yet

he has not done a stitch of work

he has not even dry behind the ears

he has not found anything

he has not got an ounce of sense

he has not got his remove

he has nothing to repent of

he has not touched food for two days

he has passed sixteen

he has peculiar ways

he has quick wits

he has shot his last bolt

he has small Latin

he has something up his sleeve

he has sown his wild oats

he has taken a glass too much

he has taken two seats for the theatre

he has the goods

he has three daughters, none are (is) married

he has yet much to say

he must have confused me with somebody else

he used the very same words as I had

he will have it that...

he will have no books but such as I'll let him have

he would have fallen but for me

he would have fallen but that I caught him

his bed has not been slept in

his character has set

his cheeks have filled out

his energy has not bated

his fame has suffered an eclipse

his hour has struck

his life had well-nigh completed its span

his mind has lost its spring

his name had escaped my memory

his researches have been fruitful

his service has no sting in it

his sight has failed of late

his soul has been seared by injustice

his star has set

how can he buy it when he has no money?

hungry bellies have no ears

I am going to have a dig at Spanish

I am through with this book, will you let me have another one?

if anything he has little changed

if one wants a thing done one had best do it himself

if only I had known

if we come too soon we'll have to wait

if you had half an eye

if you will have it

I had a great tug to persuade him

I had all the documents about me

I had an inkling of it

I had best

I had better

I had hardly uttered a word

I had it on the tip of my tongue

I had like to have fallen

I had my tooth out

I had not laid a finger on him

I had only a momentary vision of the sea

I had some trouble in reading his handwriting

I have a good flat

I have a great (good) mind to do it

I have a headache

I have a sore throat

I have a stiff neck

I have a surprise in store for you

I have been here since ten o'clock

I have been there

I have busied him for the whole day

I have come in the capacity of a friend

I have done, I had done

I have done with my work

I have got a date

I have got him safe

I have got him secure

I have got no money about me

I have had enough of him

I have had enow of him

I have had my work cut out for me

I have heard it before

I have heard of it

I have heard of your doings

I have hurt myself

I have known him since he was in petticoats

I have left the magazines behind

I have little influence with him

I have many demands on my purse

I have many demands on my time

I have my doubts about him

I have never been to the Caucasus

I have never seen his beat

I have no certain abode

I have no choice but

I have no complaint to make

I have no feeling in this leg

I have no more to say

I have no notion of resigning

I have no option

I have no patience with him

I have nothing of my own

I have no time

I have no time to spare today

I have not seen anybody

I have not seen him since

I have not seen you for ages

I have not the vaguest notion what to do

I have no use for it

I have no voice in the matter

I have quite lost my cold

I have read the book through

I have read the book thru

I have some money to spare

I have to attend a meeting

I have to go to the dentist

I have torn my finger

I have walked the country for many miles round

I have weighty, nay, unanswerable reasons

I have your idea

I intended to have gone

I'll have to collect from you

I'm sorry I can't come today. - Oh! but you have promised to.

I need not have done it

I paid my bill and had five shillings over

I shall have done

I submit that a material fact has been passed over

it developed that he had made a mistake

It has been paid for -

it has come to stay

it has done his business

it has fared ill with him

it has just dawned upon me

it has just struck four

it has passed into a proverb

it has rained for three successive days

it has slipped my attention

it has the ring of truth about it

it is a long lane that has no turn

it is the best symphony I have ever heard

I've had my fill of it -

I won't have any language here

I won't have it

I won't have you say such things

I would rather have his room than his company

June has 30 days

let him have his say

let him have it

let it have its swing

let me have a squint at it

let's have a go at it

let us have a chat

let us have done with it

lie on the bed one has made

little pitchers have long ears

lock the stable after the horse has been stolen

long use has reconciled me to it

luck has turned

mad people have to be restrained

make the best of what you have

many new houses have sprung in this district

may I have the honor

may I have the honour

much time has gone since that day

much water has flown under the bridge since that time

much will have more

my affairs have taken a bad turn

my attempt has failed

my family has outgrown our house

my house has a southern aspect

My sister has left for Moscow -

no one else has come

no sooner had he arrived than he fell ill

not a drop has passed his lips

not a word has passed his lips

not have the ghost of a chance

nothing has resulted from my efforts

nothing venture nothing have

not to have a bean

not to have a look in with somebody

not to have a penny to one's name

operator, I have been cut off

our plan has come unstuck

please, have your brother bring my books

prices have reached the highest notch

pride will have a fall

public opinion has become vocal

public opinion has jelled on that question

put (stretch, have) one's knees (feet) under somebody's mahogany

reap as one has sown

reap where one has not sown

sell the bear's skin before one has caught it

she can't have done it

she had a good cry

she had a green hat on

she had a rich make-up

she had a sudden inspiration

she had it her own way in the end

she had the last word

she has a far-away look in her eyes

she has an appreciation of art

she has a natural wave in her hair

she has an individual style

she has a turn for music

she has come to be the focal point

she has expensive tastes in clothes

she has got a cold

she has it

she has just come from London

she has nothing extra around her waist

she has roses in her cheeks

she loves visiting with her neighbours and having a good gossip

since seeing you I have heard

somebody had tampered with the lock

something must have happened

that has done it

that man has no soul

the ayes have it

the bank has advanced the rate of discount to 5%

the beams have begun to sag

the belly has no ears

the bird has flown

the bishop has played the cook

the black ox has trod on my foot

the book has a considerable run

the clock will have to be fixed

the clouds have gone

the dictionary has been revised throughout

the disease has its seat in the liver

the experiment has not answered at all

the fever has subsided

the harvest has been stored

the hour has struck

the jelly has set

the key has stuck in the lock

the knife has no edge

the knot has come undone

the long march has quite finished the army

the milk has turned

the more he has the more he wants

the mountain has brought forth a mouse

the nays have it

the Neva has fallen

the news has a sinister sound

the noes have it

the pipes have wept

the police have nailed the thief

the police have uncovered a plot

the quality of ale has gone down

there have been no letters from him as yet

there , I have upset the ink

there is nothing to be had

the river has channelled its way through the rocks

the river has grooved itself through

the room has a southern exposure

the room has four windows

the rumour has no foundation

the scheme has worked well as yet

these boots have stood a good deal of wear

these stockings are seconds and have some slight defects

these things have seen better days

the sheep has strayed from the flock

the storm has spent itself

the table-top has warped

the temperature has fallen

the train has just started

the water has worn a channel

the wind has gone round to the north

they had five dollars apiece

they have built themselves a house

they have not done a stroke of work

things have come to a pretty pass

this clause of the bill will have to go

this custom has been traced to the twelfth century

this has no bearing on the question

this medicine has no taste

this piano has several dumb notes

this picture tops all I have ever seen

thou nor I have made the world

to be in need of, to feel the need of, to have need of

to have a bone to pick with somebody

to have a cinch on somebody

to have a distaste for something

to have a go (at)

to have a hat (an overcoat) on

to have an evening out

to have a pleasant time

to have a smoke

to have a theory that...

to have a try

to have a try at something

to have a view of something, to take a view of something

to have a walk

to have breakfast

to have buried one's relatives

to have cognizance of something

to have compassion on (upon) somebody

to have dinner

to have done

to have enow time

to have good reason to believe

to have mercy

to have no commerce with somebody

to have no notion of something

to have nothing in common with somebody

to have pity

to have rats in the attic

to have somebody over the barrel

to have tea

to have the bulge on somebody

to have the cheek to say something

to have the nerve to do something

to have (to hold, to take) somebody at a (the) vantage

walls have ears

we had a mad time

we had an almighty row

we had a rattling time

we had caught up on sleep

we had news

we had no end of a time

we had no end of good time

we had six members to start with

we had ten degrees of frost last night

we have allowed for twenty people

we have enough coal for the winter

we have finished the pie

we have got a do on tonight

we have not seen each other for ages

we have the enemy on the run

we'll have them down for a few days

what had he on?

what has become of him?

what would you have me to do?

where have you sprung from?

whoever he may be he has no right to speak like that

will you have a spot of whisky

will you have the goodness to do it

winter has set in

you had best confess

you had better believe it

you had better go

you had better go home

you had no business to do it

you had the ill grace to deny it

you had your inning

you had your innings

you have been and done it

you have been had

you have been spoofed

you have made your bed and you must lie on it

you have my sympathies

you have no call to blush

you have no right to go there, to start with

you have nothing to fret about

you have saved me trouble

you have scored

you have set me a difficult job

you have won me

you might have heard a pin fall

you must have heard about it

you ought to have written to her

your argument has not a leg to stand on

you will jolly well have to do it