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English Russian Networking Dictionary and Phrasebook


See also: Apr, BPR, Br, Cr, Dr, Fr, HPR, Ir, Kr, Lr, MPR, or, p, pa, pc, PCR, Pd, pe, Per, PF, pH, pi, PL, pm, PN, po, pp,   Pr, PRD, PRE, PRF, PRG, PRI, PRN, pro, PRS, PRT, Ps, pt, ptr, Pu, PW, PX, QPR, r, SPR, sr, VR, yr


драйвер принтера в пакете Beta

We couldn't find phrases with Pr in English to Russian Networking dictionary.
Phrases with Pr has been found in the following dictionaries:

English-Russian Radio Engineering

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English dictionaries
Word Pr has been found in the following dictionaries:

English-Russian Computer Abbreviations
English-Russian Polytechnic
English-Russian Networking
English-Russian Space Medicine
English-Russian Mechanical
Phrases with Pr found in the following dictionaries:

English-Russian Radio Engineering