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English Spanish Dictionary



Phrases with hopeful found: 341  

English-Spanish dictionary
   Susan says that she hopes that we can help her.
  Susana dice que ella espera que nosotros la podamos ayudar.

English-Spanish dictionary
   Susan says that she hopes that we can help.
  Susana dice que ella espera que nosotros podamos ayudar.

English-Spanish dictionary
   Susan says that she hopes that you can help.
  Susana dice que ella espera que tú puedas ayudar.

English-Spanish dictionary
   Susan was hoping that John would study with her.
  Susana estaba esperando que Juan estudiara con ella.

English-Spanish dictionary
   Susan was hoping that we would go to the movies with her this afternoon.
  Susana esperaba que nosotros fuéramos al cine con ella esta tarde.

English-Spanish dictionary
   Susan, I hope that you have given the money to John.
  Susana, yo espero que le hayas dado el dinero a Juan.

English-Spanish dictionary
   Susan, I was hoping that you would help me.
  Susana, yo esperaba que tú me ayudaras.

English-Spanish dictionary
   The lawyers hope that the jury has been summoned.
  Los abogados esperan que hayan convocado al jurado.

English-Spanish dictionary
   The secretary was hoping that we would speak with the lawyer yesterday.
  La secretaria esperaba que nosotros habláramos con el abogado ayer.

English-Spanish dictionary
   The teacher hopes that we are studying.
  El profesor espera que nosotros estudiemos.

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