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English Spanish Dictionary



Phrases with moved found: 99  

English-Spanish dictionary
   If only he would move the computer to another table.
  Que él mueva la computadora a otra mesa.

English-Spanish dictionary
   If only I would move the ball well.
  Que yo mueva bien la pelota.

English-Spanish dictionary
   If only I would move the bed to sleep.
  Que yo mueva la cama para dormir.

English-Spanish dictionary
   If only they would move his body to dance.
  Que ellos muevan su cuerpo para bailar.

English-Spanish dictionary
   If only they would move the cars from the street.
  Que ellos muevan los carros de la calle.

English-Spanish dictionary
   If only we would move the furniture from the house.
  Que nosotros movamos los muebles de la casa.

English-Spanish dictionary
   If only you all would move your feet to walk.
  Que vosotros mováis los pies para caminar.

English-Spanish dictionary
   If only you would move your fingers.
  Que yo mueva los dedos de la mano.

English-Spanish dictionary
   If only you would move your legs to walk.
  Que tú muevas las piernas para caminar.

English-Spanish dictionary
   It doesn't matter how we feel, we will move forward.
  No importa como nos sintamos, seguiremos adelante.

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