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English Spanish Dictionary



Phrases with raised found: 22  

English-Spanish dictionary
   I think it's been absurd that the workers opposed the raise.
  Me ha parecido absurdo que los obreros se hayan opuesto al aumento de sueldo.

English-Spanish dictionary
   If you have any questions, please raise your hand.
  Si tienen preguntas, por favor levanten su mano.

English-Spanish dictionary
   My colleagues received a raise.
  Mis colegas recibieron un aumento.

English-Spanish dictionary
   Please raise your hand if you have a question.
  Por favor levanten su mano si tienen una pregunta.

English-Spanish dictionary
   raise one's hand
  levantar la mano

English-Spanish dictionary
   Raise your hand.
  Levanta su mano.

English-Spanish dictionary
   Susanna asked for a raise as soon as the boss gave her the opportunity.
  Susana pidió un aumento en cuanto el jefe le dio la oportunidad.

English-Spanish dictionary
   The sales man deceived the customer by raising the price.
  El vendedor engañó al cliente aumentando el precio.

English-Spanish dictionary
   They have been raised in a home with love.
  Ellas se han criado en un hogar con amor.

English-Spanish dictionary
   They raise cattle to obtain meat and milk.
  Ellos crían ganado para obtener carne y leche.

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