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Spanish English Dictionary



Phrases with aconsejable found: 39  

Spanish-English dictionary
   Aunque le habíamos aconsejado que fuera a Berna ha preferido ir a London.
  Although we had advised him to go to Bern, he has preferred to go to London.

Spanish-English dictionary
   Aunque le habíamos aconsejado que fuera a Bruselas ha preferido ir a London.
  Although we had advised him to go to Brussels, he has preferred to go to London.

Spanish-English dictionary
   Aunque le habíamos aconsejado que fuera a Budapest ha preferido ir a London.
  Although we had advised him to go to Budapest, he has preferred to go to London.

Spanish-English dictionary
   Aunque le habíamos aconsejado que fuera a Dublín ha preferido ir a London.
  Although we had advised him to go to Dublin, he has preferred to go to London.

Spanish-English dictionary
   Aunque le habíamos aconsejado que fuera a Helsinki ha preferido ir a London.
  Although we had advised him to go to Helsinki, he has preferred to go to London.

Spanish-English dictionary
   Aunque le habíamos aconsejado que fuera a Jerusalén ha preferido ir a London.
  Although we had advised him to go to Jerusalem, he has preferred to go to London.

Spanish-English dictionary
   Aunque le habíamos aconsejado que fuera a Moscú ha preferido ir a London.
  Although we had advised him to go to Moscow, he has preferred to go to London.

Spanish-English dictionary
   Aunque le habíamos aconsejado que fuera a Kiev ha preferido ir a London.
  Although we had advised him to go to Kiev, he has preferred to go to London.

Spanish-English dictionary
   Aunque le habíamos aconsejado que fuera a Lisboa ha preferido ir a London.
  Although we had advised him to go to Lisbon, he has preferred to go to London.

Spanish-English dictionary
   Aunque le habíamos aconsejado que fuera a Luxemburgo ha preferido ir a London.
  Although we had advised him to go to Luxemburg, he has preferred to go to London.

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