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Spanish English Dictionary



Phrases with durarais found: 51  

Spanish-English dictionary
   Sé que tengo que estudiar duro.
  I know that I have to study hard.

Spanish-English dictionary
   Trabajando duro gano mucho dinero.
  I make a lot of money by working hard.

Spanish-English dictionary
   Si hubiese durado más, me hubiese salido.
  If it had lasted longer, I would have left.

Spanish-English dictionary
   Es un hueso muy duro de roer.
  It's a bone that's hard to chew.

Spanish-English dictionary
   Acabo de pasar una dura jornada.
  I've just had a tiring journey.

Spanish-English dictionary
   Mi estrategia para tener éxito es trabajar duro.
  My strategy to achieve success is working hard.

Spanish-English dictionary
   No, es dura.
  No, it is hard.

Spanish-English dictionary
   Nada es para siempre, y vosotros vais a durar poco.
  Nothing is forever and you all are not going to last long.

Spanish-English dictionary
   El cautiverio duró más de lo esperado.
  The captivity lasted longer than expected.

Spanish-English dictionary
   Los empleados estatales habrían recibido un castigo más duro si hubieran matado a un perro.
  The state employees would have received a harsher punishment if they would have killed a dog.

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