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Spanish English Dictionary



Phrases with fuera found: 123  

Spanish-English dictionary
   ¡Quién fuera un millonario!
  If only I were a millionaire!

Spanish-English dictionary
   Si fueran invitados al coctel estoy seguro/a de que irían.
  If they were invited to the cocktail party, I'm sure they would go.

Spanish-English dictionary
   Si cierras tu mente a los errores dejarás fuera las soluciones.
  If you close your mind to your mistakes, you'll leave solutions out.

Spanish-English dictionary
   Era preciso que fuera al consulado.
  It was necessary that you went to the consulate.

Spanish-English dictionary
   Era posible que fuera a verlos.
  It was possible that I would go to see them.

Spanish-English dictionary
   ¡Ni que nos fuéramos para siempre!
  It's not as though we were leaving for good!

Spanish-English dictionary
   Margo quería que yo fuera a la farmacia anoche.
  Margo wanted me to go to the drug store last night.

Spanish-English dictionary
   Margo quería que yo fuera a la tienda ayer.
  Margo wanted me to go to the store yesterday.

Spanish-English dictionary
   Mis amigos querían que yo fuera al cine con ellos.
  My friends wanted me to go to the movies with them.

Spanish-English dictionary
   Se oían ruidos fuera.
  One could hear noises outside.

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