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Spanish English Dictionary



Phrases with ropas found: 85  

Spanish-English dictionary
   Yo quería que Juan me ayudara a lavar la ropa.
  I wanted John to help me wash the clothes.

Spanish-English dictionary
   Yo esperaba que las muchachas ayudaran a la señora Davis a lavar la ropa.
  I was hoping that the girls would help Mrs. Davis wash the clothes.

Spanish-English dictionary
   Yo estaba seguro de que para esta hora todavía no habrían traído la ropa de la tintorería.
  I was sure that by now they would not have brought the clothes from the cleaner's.

Spanish-English dictionary
   Llevaba ropa de verano cuando salí porque hacía calor, pero por la tarde empezó a llover.
  I was wearing summer clothes when I went out because it was hot, but in the afternoon it started raining.

Spanish-English dictionary
   Yo lavé la ropa.
  I washed the clothing.

Spanish-English dictionary
   Yo iré a comprar ropa mañana.
  I will go to buy clothes tomorrow.

Spanish-English dictionary
   De haber traído aquella maleta que tuvimos que dejar, ahora tendríamos ropa para ir al baile.
  If we'd only brought that suitcase we had to leave behind, we would have something to wear to the dance.

Spanish-English dictionary
   Yo voy a ayudar a Laura a lavar la ropa.
  I'm going to help Laura wash the clothes.

Spanish-English dictionary
   Yo te voy a ayudar a lavar la ropa.
  I'm going to help you wash the clothes.

Spanish-English dictionary
   Planche la ropa del revés.
  Iron the clothes inside-out.

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