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Spanish English Dictionary



Phrases with ser found: 389  

Spanish-English dictionary
   Será que el niño tiene hambre.
  It must be that the baby's hungry.

Spanish-English dictionary
   Debe ser el hombre que está allí detrás.
  It must be the man who is over there behind.

Spanish-English dictionary
   Suele ser una escalada de uno o dos días.
  It should be a one or two day climb.

Spanish-English dictionary
   Será un placer cenar contigo.
  It will be a pleasure to have dinner with you.

Spanish-English dictionary
   Será necesario que cenemos juntos.
  It will be necessary for us to dine together.

Spanish-English dictionary
   Será necesario que nos entreguéis una copia.
  It will be necessary for you all to give us a copy.

Spanish-English dictionary
   Será preciso que le entregue una copia.
  It will be necessary for you to give him a copy.

Spanish-English dictionary
   Será menester que vuelvas pronto.
  It will be necessary for you to return soon.

Spanish-English dictionary
   Será recordado a través de los siglos.
  It will be remembered through the centuries.

Spanish-English dictionary
   Sería conveniente seguir las instrucciones al pie de la letra.
  It would be a good idea to follow the instructions exactly.

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