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Spanish English Dictionary



Phrases with tanteen found: 114  

Spanish-English dictionary
   No creía que tenía tantas casas como usted.
  I did not believe he had as many houses as you.

Spanish-English dictionary
   No sabía que hubiera ganado tantos títulos.
  I didn't know they had won so many titles.

Spanish-English dictionary
   No tengo dinero y, por lo tanto, no puedo ir de vacaciones.
  I don't have money and, for that reason, I can't go on vacation.

Spanish-English dictionary
   No me gusta nada que haya adelgazado tanto.
  I don't like at all that he got so thin.

Spanish-English dictionary
   No comprendo cómo puedes dormir tanto.
  I don't understand how you can sleep so long.

Spanish-English dictionary
   Yo tomé tanta limonada como tú.
  I drank as much lemonade as you did.

Spanish-English dictionary
   Me congelé tanto que quemaba.
  I got so cold that it burned.

Spanish-English dictionary
   Yo he viajado por muchos países y no es culpa mía que yo sepa tanto sobre estos.
  I have traveled to many countries and it is not my fault that I know so much about them.

Spanish-English dictionary
   Me gustaría estar al tanto de las novedades.
  I like to stay on top of the news.

Spanish-English dictionary
   agotado por tanto trabajo
  overworked (person)

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