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Spanish English Dictionary Phrasebook Translator and Voice


envío m

1. consignment (trade)
2. delivery (trade)

enviado m

diplomat (politics - man)

enviada f

diplomat (politics - woman)

envío m

dispatch (person)


1. dispatch (person)
2. enter (mail)

enviado m

envoy (politics - man)

enviada f

envoy (politics - woman)


forward (postal service)

envío m

mailing (general)


1. refer (people)
2. remit (payment)
3. route (direction)
4. send (general)
5. send (mail)
6. send (direction)
7. send (person)
8. send away (education)
9. send by mail (postal service)
10. send in (mail)
11. send off (education)
12. send payment (payment)
13. ship (transport)

envío m

shipment (goods)

Phrases with  enviarán

enviar a
direct to
(send); refer to (send)

enviar circulares a
send circulars to
(business company); circularize (business company)

enviar con
send with

enviar por correo
send off
(postal service)

enviar por expreso
(mail); send by express (mail)

enviar un télex
(electronic communication)