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Spanish English Dictionary Phrasebook Translator and Voice



1. absolve (religion)
2. condone (forgive)
3. excuse (punishment)
4. excuse (pardon)
5. forgive (religion)
6. forgive (excuse)
7. forgive (condone)
8. let off (punishment)
9. pardon (capital punishment)
10. pardon (religion)
11. pardon (excuse)
12. remit (religion)
13. reprieve (capital punishment)

Phrases with perdonarán found: 21  

Spanish-English dictionary
   ¡mil perdones!
  a thousand pardons!

Spanish-English dictionary
   el errar es humano, el perdonar, divino
  to err is human, to forgive divine

Spanish-English dictionary
   le ruego me perdone
  I beg your pardon

Spanish-English dictionary
   perdone por favor, nos han cortado
  I've been cut off

Spanish-English dictionary
   quien roba a un ladrón tiene cien años de perdón
  it's no crime to steal from a thief

Spanish-English dictionary
   Perdone ¿me puede decir la hora?
  Excuse me, can you tell me the time?

Spanish-English dictionary
   Perdone, ¿puede usted decirme en dónde hay un restaurante cercano?
  Excuse me, can you tell me where is a restaurant around?

Spanish-English dictionary
   Perdone, ¿me puede decir dónde está la oficina de correos?
  Excuse me, can you tell me where the post office is?

Spanish-English dictionary
   ¿Perdón, esta es mi parada?
  Excuse me, is this my stop?

Spanish-English dictionary
   pedir perdón
  acknowledge fault (apologize)
  apologize (acknowledge fault)
  express fault (apologize)
  express regret (apologize)

  1  2  3

How to Translate

Spanish dictionaries
Word perdonarán has been found in the following dictionaries:
