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Spanish English Dictionary Phrasebook Translator and Voice



1. be aware of (mental sensation)
2. become aware of (feeling)
3. be conscious of (mental sensation)
4. bemoan (feelings)
5. be sentient of (mental sensation)
6. be sorry (feelings)
7. deplore (feelings)
8. detect (danger)
9. experience (consequence)
10. experience (mental sensation)
11. feel (consequence)
12. feel (mental sensation)
13. grieve (feelings)
14. lament (feelings)
15. mourn (feelings)
16. regret (feelings)
17. scent (danger)
18. sense (feeling)
19. sense (mental sensation)
20. sense (danger)
21. smell (danger)

Phrases with  sentires

sentir algo
sense something
(knowledge); get wind of something (knowledge); scent something (knowledge)

sentir hormigueo
(physical sensation)

sentir náuseas
feel sick
(medicine); be sick (medicine)

sentir un placer malévolo en
take malicious pleasure in