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English Russian Computer Abbreviations Dictionary and Phrasebook


See also: Bk, CK, dk, EK, EMK, FK, HK, IK, k, km, lk, m, M', ma, mb, MBK, mc, MCK, md, MDK, ME, mf, MFK, mg, MH, mi,   Mk, mk', ml, mm, Mn, mo, mp, MR, MS, MSK, mt, MU, mV, mW, MWK, Mx, my, MZ, OK, PK, QK, SK, TK, TMK, Uk, wk

Mk n

метка, маркер, отметка, знак, токовая посылка, маркерный импульс, отмечать, размечать, тип машины, марка, серийный номер

MK n

1. СВЧ клистрон
2. делать

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English-Russian Physics

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Word mk has been found in the following dictionaries:

English-Russian Computer Abbreviations
Phrases with mk found in the following dictionaries:

English-Russian Physics